12. A Bit of Vengeance

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The next morning, I didn't hate the thought of going to school. My grandparents looked shocked when I came down the stairs. I was already fully dressed and eating. Not that I wasn't eating before, but I was downstairs and out of my room. They watched me silently as I smeared butter on my toast and sat at the bar.

"Hi," my grandpa finally said unsurely. I chuckled when I noticed their faces.

"I feel better; you can stop looking at me like that. Oh, can I catch a ride to school?" I asked. Grandma Nora nodded, still quiet.

"Are you sure?" she asked. I nodded with a small smile on my lips.

"I can't hide in my room forever," I shrugged. They both nodded slowly. After a very quick breakfast, I grabbed my school bag and met my grandma at the truck. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye the whole ride until we eventually parked in front of the school.

"You can always call me if you want to come home early. I'd understand," she said. I kissed her cheek.

"Thanks grandma," I said before I grabbed my bag and stepped into the freezing cold. I made it inside quickly and was instantly greeted with stares. It was like the first day all over again. But surprisingly, this time, it didn't even phase me. I went to my locker and found it stuffed with school books for my subjects.

"I asked for your schedule and got the books you needed in case you came back," Mya explained from beside me. I smiled as I turned my attention to her.

"Thanks, Mya. I really appreciate that," I said genuinely. She looked at me cautiously, like I would fall apart at any moment. I chuckled. "I'm fine Mya, seriously," I assured her. I felt like I was about to be reassuring people all day. You would think someone died.

"If you're sure," she said, not at all convinced. It felt good, not to feel completely embarrassed or sad, even if it is only temporary. I wished Aria had come earlier with this stuff. Although I still wasn't sure how I felt about that whole ordeal either. Mya said a quick goodbye before heading to her class. I started making my way to mine. I made it just before the bell, taking the same seat I had the first day, all the way in the back. I almost forgot Liam had this class too, until he walked in after the bell. His eyes immediately found mine. I stared back at him, not backing down this time, and not feeling completely infatuated either. He sat next to me and turned his full attention to me.

"Dani, I-" he started in a hushed voice. He looked guilty and apologetic.

"If an apology is about to come out of your mouth, don't waste your breath. I can already hear the lingering 'but I love her', making your apology empty," I hissed at him. He shut his mouth instantly and faced forward.

"That's what I thought," I muttered before paying attention to my classes. The rest of my classes were pretty mundane until lunch. Like before, I walked through with Mya, having a lunch of meat-free spaghetti today. I sat at the same table as last time, knowing they would come eventually. When they did, Sophia was trying to pretend that nothing was wrong, but everyone else at the table looked at me curiously as if I would spontaneously combust at any moment.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Caden asked genuinely. My eyes caught Liam's as I stared straight at him.

"I was sick to my stomach," I said, knowing Liam would pick up on the double meaning before giving Caden a reassuring smile. "Must have been the flu or something," I shrugged it off.

"Caden, I think you have a little something," Sophia said as she reached across the table and brushed imaginary dust off of his hand as an excuse to graze mine. I glared at her as I stood and leaned across the table at the same time a small growl came from Liam's lips.

"Here," I said, grasping her wrist in my hand. She looked at a loss for words, and Liam was simply shocked. Last time I touched someone, I passed out. I glared straight at Sophia as I pulled her slightly closer.

"This is what you were trying to do, right? I told you already, there was nothing weird going on with my eyes. And I get that you're threatened by me because you don't have the security of actually being Liam's true mate, but trust me, I don't want him either, honey," I said before dropping her hand and sitting back down in my seat. Everyone at the table was quiet as their eyes bulged. As far as they all knew, Sophia was Liam's true mate.

"O-of course they're mates," Caden said unsurely. I shrugged as I started examining my nail beds.

"They're not, actually. I met Liam's mate... poor girl. They both know who she is and where she is. But Liam here is too embarrassed to tell everyone the truth. He'd rather live in his lie," I explained. "She's okay though. If he was too much of a coward to acknowledge her, she's better off without him anyway," I said, looking straight at Liam as I said so.

"That girl could be lying," Sophia challenged. I smirked at her.

"The Moon Goddess doesn't lie though. And when the information is coming straight from her... well, I believe her. It's not wise to question a goddess, after all," I answered confidently. A murmur went around the table but Liam's eyes stayed on me. I could feel the fire and joy behind my eyes at Liam's expense, but I didn't care. I met his stare head on and refused to back down.

"Can I talk to you for a moment... in private," he more ordered than asked. I could feel the bass and authority in his voice but it had no effect on me.

"No... but you can go fuck yourself, or Sophia, your fake mate if that's what you prefer," I answered Red crawled up his neck in anger and embarrassment as he growled at me in warning.

"You will not speak to me like that," he ordered. I chuckled.

"Oh really? What are you going to do about it? I will speak to you however I damn well please. You can't hurt me. You can't lock me away. You can't keep me hostage. And even if you tried, I would be gone in seconds. You have no idea what I'm capable of," I challenged him, feeling more powerful with every word. Now the whole cafeteria was shocked at the way I was speaking to Liam.

"What are you doing, Dani?" he asked lowly. I quirked an eyebrow at him as I smirked back without answering. He would find out in due time. He wanted to play games, we could play games. The bell rang and I calmly packed away my empty container before leaving the lunchroom with Mya on my heels. Everyone's eyes were on us as we made our way to our lockers. I was the new town crazy person, but I didn't really care at the moment.

"Listen, I know you're new and all but no one talks to Liam Miller like that. He's-"

"The future Alpha... I know, and frankly, I don't care," I finished for her. "I've learned a lot in the last few weeks, and I don't care. I'm stronger than him, and his mom is on my side anyway," I said.

"You've met Luna Addie?" she deadpanned. I chuckled and nodded.

"Like I said: a lot has happened in the last few weeks," I said as I opened my locker and grabbed my books.

"Still, Sophia-"

"Is going to do what? Spread petty rumors about me? Bare her teeth? She's a brat who thinks she can have whatever she wants... even if it's not hers," I said, glaring slightly into the space.

"What happened to you?" Mya asked. I shrugged as I shut my locker.

"I grew a pair," I said before walking off to my next class.

More like I was given a pair of magical ones.

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