Hospital Of The Past

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Pain so unbearable deemed by the demons of the past. Of the once horrid old smells of what possibly could have been people in the room prior to me. It smelled old and almost unbearable as the smell was strong and the tears once again fell down my cheeks. I was staring into the eyes of death before to long as I realize he was getting ready to shove that dreadful tube down my nose. If only he knew the true pain and knew how I suffered. No one does and it only hurts more as I speak. The once brand new pieces of me now broken as they tortured me with shoving that aweful hose down my nose into my throat to which caused my gag reflex to make me barf and my throat sore. I as mute until the day I got to leave, but they are The past to which I can not endure again. I wish that no one had to deal with The pain like I did for it took them 10 years and I had it done 7 or 8 times. Each time staring into the eyes of death, suffering the same consequences. People say it's in the past just forget, but if you really knew the pain even you would look back on it. People say you make the pain up, but if that were true then would I tell with so much pain. You don't know me yet you seem to think you know my past. I wished that I could go back and change what had happened to me, but sadly I can't and its my fault for if only I knew I was allergic to milk. Then the eyes of death wouldn't have done this.

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