Chapter 7: Amelia

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Ever had the feeling of something heavy in the pit of your stomach forcing its contents out, a feeling of dread that spreads from your stomach through your spinal cord to various parts of your body, a strong feeling of certainty that something terrible is going to happen. I experienced this almost every time a measure was meant to be around but something felt off today, something which I couldn't quite put a finger on. 

"Looking outside again?" My sister says standing by the frame of the door. "You should go out sometime, have fun, go see that boy you like to talk to. Life isn't just going to wait for you to have fun you know. Maybe we can go to the park today, you talk to your friend and I'll play on the swings." She says smiling widely, proud of her suggestion. 

It wasn't a bad idea but the feeling of dread just grew worse as I was considering the idea. "Yeah about that I don't think its a good idea to go out today, maybe tomorrow?" I say absentmindedly rubbing the palm of hand onto the stray thread on the bed-sheet hoping she will listen to me and not get mad about it. 

"But the weather is so good outside and it's not even close to a measure day." She pouts for emphasis.

"Fine, I'll ask Dad too." I say.

"He'll say no. I already asked him and he says that he is busy. But I know he is not. I know he's just making excuses, last week he took us to the park while I was sick. I couldn't even play!" Her eyes brim with tears. It was true but we had been planning for it for weeks and she got sick right on that day.

"Hey, I'm pretty sure Dad didn't mean to plan it out that way and besides you know the rule, we stick together and go places together." 

 "Out of all people, I thought you loved me, and now this is what you do to me! You know what I don't care if you come or not I'm going by myself!" 

" You can't do that! What part of staying together do you not get? It's for our safety stop being crazy! Get back here!" I yell as she storms away from the room.

I slump back into the bed wondering what to do next. I rub my fingers over my forehead in frustration. My sister came off as a drama queen and she is quite unsurprisingly well known for it, thus making it pretty hard for me to know exactly when she was really upset or emotional blackmailing me. I slide down of my bed thinking of ways to convince my sister to ditch the 'could turn to become life threatening' idea and maybe do something fun together at home.

Just as I get to the door I notice the window slightly open and move to close it. The glass of the window felt cold, it was nice outside. I smile and turn to leave but I notice something, from the corner of my eyes I see someone coming out of my house, her hair tied into a knot above her head and a backpack draped over her shoulder, Melissa. I rush out of the room furious at her atrocious behavior. 

I peek into my Dad's room, he was looking inside some kind of box but I had no time to ask him what it was, I had to get to Melissa before something bad happened and my gut feeling wasn't helping either. 

My body slams into something more like someone, I am pushed back because of the force but two hands get a hold of me preventing me from falling. " Oh my umm I'm so sorry.... and thank you..." I mumble too embarrassed to look at the persons face.

"Hey it's okay," he whispers softly, Tristan. I look up making no effort in hiding the worry I had forgotten just a second ago. "Melissa... she's alone I need to go get her. " 

"Okay, then I'll come with you." I nod and move past him to the park that was just a few blocks away hoping he would follow. 

The first thing I notice when I enter the park is the way a boy around six staring at my sister, so openly. He doesn't blink nor does he move, just stands there looking. My eyes drift towards my sister smiling and enjoying the breeze hitting her face because of the swing. My anger towards her disobedience lessens. Her smile widens when she looks at me and she hops off the swing and runs towards me, hands in the air. "You came!" She cries happily jumping. 

"Of course I did, I would never leave you alone.." Just as the words left my mouth, I notice the boy reach for his pocket and bring out an object aiming at Melissa. I pull her away from the object's path, towards me but the object, the knife digs into her arm. She screams and falls to her knees. I look around for the boy but he is nowhere to be seen. Tristan carefully takes her hand, observing the knife and grabs it by its hilt. 

"This is going to hurt." he says tightening his grip on it.

"Just get it out I can't take the pain anymore!" she cries. In just a swift move the blade is out of her hand. I wrap my arms around her.

"Now do you understand why need to go out together? It's so creeps like that don't get a hold of you. If I had been even a minute late, that boy would've killed you." 

"That's strange," Tristan says still eyeing her wound. I  turn my head to get a better look at the wound and notice her skin going pale at its edges.

My gaze falls upon the knife used on the ground and I slowly pick it up making sure I don't rub off any more of the blood onto the grass. It is covered in blood at the tip, the bright red colour showing the depth of the wound but underneath the redness the was a line of blue that was peeking out of the blood, the was dipped into something and I could only hope it wasn't life threatening.

"We need to get back home," I say helping Melissa stand.

"Let's get in from the back door, Dad doesn't know we were out," I say as we approach home.

The back door thankfully wasn't locked. But something felt odd as I entered the house, something foreign.

It was quiet, way too quiet. I motion Tristan to stay with my sister and I move further in. I directly run upstairs, to my Dads room only to find it empty. The box that I saw him looking through was still put across the bed, which was very unlikely of him to do. He always made sure he put his belongings away into their proper place when not in use and this was just the opposite. Panic creeps into my head and I run down in search of my Dad.

The front door was left slightly ajar, I walk towards it, caution in every step. Every step fueling my fears towards the worst. My hands tremble as I push the door open to its full capacity. 

He lay sprawled across his favourite flowers. My head begins to spin at his sight and I scream the air out of my lungs. no no no not again.

I kneel beside him, rub his palm and check his pulse, it was still there but faint. My hand moves toward the knife that caused this to him and it looked like this time it had hit its desired position, the heart.


A/N: Its updated finally!!

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:) :) :)

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