The portal

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It felt weird .

I couldn't see anything .

I couldn't hear any thing .

But I could feel the nothingness as it wrapped itself around me.

I tried moving my limbs but the darkness weighed down on me making it seem as if I was trapped in a pit of highly viscous tar.
Yet as I hung there suspended and weightless I finally realizedwhat I had fallen into

Or rather

What I had been pushed into...

A portal .

Portals were tricky business . Although they were great for teleporting across huge distances, they rarely worked unless an enchanter had
Yet I couldn't help but feel a certain calmness settle around me and as I floated in the nothingness that held me in its jaws .
I wonder if I would ever make it out of this portal so that I may avenge the death of my fellow apprentices whose lives were unjustly claimed by death at the hands of the Tamarian kingdom that had waged war against my own.

A battle that consequently ended up with me stuck in a portal .
As I contemplated about my current predicament .

I felt my lethargy slightly give way and my thoughts began moving at a faster but not quite normal rate .

And suddenly as if struck by lightning my nervous system jump started with a jolt that woke my senses up.
My body erupted in tingles that brought feeling along with it.

And I could feel the tug at the bottom of my stomach.

It was like gravity pulling me towards something .
I felt myself gliding through the nothingness.

Slowly gaining speed .

Faster I flew through the portal heading towards a bright light .

Shit ..

It's the exit

It seemed to glow as I sped towards it .

I shut my eyes at the bright white light that shone through my eye lids .

I suddenly felt myself enveloped in the brightness.

And then like a baby out of its mother's vagina .

I was thrust out into a new world screeching at the very top of my lungs.

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