Sleeping Beauty Awakens

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A/N: Honestly, I don't expect anyone to be reading this story but if you are then thank you .
(PS sorry its not edited and please do vote and comment if you have any suggestions )

Corally POV

Before I could open my eyes my nose picked up on a heavenly smell.

It seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at once. I breathed in deeply and nearly moaned in pleasure.

It smelled like vanilla with a hint chocolate and honey .

I mentally groaned. What is making that amazing smell , I could just lay here all day long.

Realization over took my hazy thoughts as I began to fully awaken .
Shifting around I felt the rough sheets scratch at my bare body .

I bolted straight up on the bed .
I was naked , with the exception of my boxers, I was completely naked .

Instead of being angry I was confused . what?, its not possible for someone to get past the barrier . unless the spell broke in the middle of my sleep. But its not like my spells to just randomly die out like that. I'll just have to ask who was it that undressed me.

Shoving the baffling thoughts to the back of my mind . I looked around the room , I was rewarded with a sharp pain that shot up my spine okay so maybe suddenly forcing your body up after being thrown against the wall in a weird room wasn't such a good idea.

I sighed , at least I wasn't blind anymore.

Making slow movements I carefully examined the room. The walls were an ugly beige color , there was nothing at all in the room apart from the bed I was currently occupying and the night stand next to it.

I kept looking around and soon enough I found an open window. No blinds. How barbaric.

Grunting at the pain , I struggled to swing my feet off the side of the bed .
The cave men didn't even get me a blanket and they had the audacity to leave me here naked . I scoffed at the thought .

Placing my feet delicately on the floor I felt the cold through the floorboards , but confusingly enough I wasn't even barely affected by the freezing temperature.

Shakily I stood up.

Gritting my teeth I put one foot in front of the other making my way to the window .

Ignoring the throbbing pain in my head I trudged across the room until I was at the window .

Looking out my breath caught in my throat .


Judging from how far away the ground was I'd wager that I was on the third story of the building

There was a thick forest that seemed to stretch all the way into the horizon and I could barely make out the mountains in the distance .

The trees were huge and looked ancient , the leaves were a rich amber , ruby , and golden colour .

There was a huge amount of land separating the house and the dense forest .

That will be a problem If I have to make a run for it . I mean get real I can't run for shit . stupid short legs.

I took a moment just taking in the scenery. I sighed it really is beautiful.

From the conner of my eye I noticed a door . It blended directly into the wall that I wasn't sure that I'd notice it if I was actually searching for an extra door .

Painfully I walked over towards it groaning with every step.

Reaching the door I twisted the silver door knob and pushed the door open .

It was a bathroom.

I'd never been happier for indoor plumbing.

Walking in I turned and looked at myself in the mirror .

I looked like absolute shit .

My electric blue eyes were now dull.
The dirty blonde hair that was usually full of life and volume looked like a dead animal corpse that began rotting on my head.

My nipples stood out against my milky white skin .

Shrugging my bare shoulders at the reflection I walked over to the shower . Stripping off my boxers I stepped into the cubicle and stood under the shower head. I turned on the hot water and a moan slipped from my lips as the warm water hit my skin.

Slidding down onto the tiled floor , I sat there letting the water wash over my bare shoulders , letting the warmness flow over my body washing out all the tension in my muscles .

I sat for what seemed like an eternity before I realized that I didn't have any soap .Sighing I crawled out of the shower to the cabinets under the sink in front of the mirror. Opening the nearest one I found a shower gel and some lemon scented shampoo , grabbing both I crawled back into the shower . This time I stood back up and began lathering myself up with the shower gel at least three times before I felt that I was clean enough .

Popping open the shampoo I rubbed it into my hair working it in deep into my locks.Once I was satisfied I quickly washed my face and turned of the shower .

Stepping back out I felt refreshed .

Again I searched for a toothbrush and a toothpaste , both of which I found inside the cabinets along with a towel .

Wrapping the towel around my slender waist, I squeezed some paste onto the brush and rinsed my mouth before I wet the brush and shoved it into mouth brushing my teeth until I dubbed them clean .

After brushing my teeth I walked back out into the bedroom.

The pain now reduced to a dull ache
something I could live with .

I found another door next to the bed this time a closet. Inside were some old shirts pulling out a random one I tried it on , it was huge , the hem reached the top of my knees .it completely covered my boxers which I had put back on in the bathroom.

"Well it can't get any worse than this , can it cor? " I walked to the brown door which I assumed led outside .

Twisting the door knob I pulled the door open and strutted out right into someone's hard chest .

"What are you doing out here?" A deep voice questioned with a hint of hostility in his voice .

Stepping back I looked up into his deep amber eyes and blinked at the intensity of his gaze.

I cocked my head to one side .
"What, I was hungry" I deadpanned .

" follow me " he glared at me before turning around and heading towards some stairs down the hallway .

Great going cor he hates you now.

Sighing I followed him.

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