The Asshole

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Liam POV

"You're pacing " Cyrus smirked at me .

I instantly stopped.

"Who would have thought that the big bad alpha would be  scared of a little creep named corally." his smirk turned into a full grin.

" shut up . I'm not scared of him. He just caught me off guard that's all."I growled at him .

The smirk grew wider on his face . without knowing it I had begun pacing again.  Damnit

"He touched you and you threw him against the wall. Caught off guard is a bit of an understatement." He leaned back into the plush leather chair on the other side of my desk.

Groaning in frustration I rubbed my face with both palms and ran a hand through my hair.

"What do I do , Cyrus"

He began to sober up as he analysed the situation .

"As your Beta , I think he would be a great asset to the pack I mean he is a witch after all." He gripped the armrests of the chair.

"But as your best friend , you can't deny the obvious pull you feel towards him ." he laughed before continuing .

"Heck , you were about to rape him this morning . You touched him and his little shield broke ."

"It was kinda funny when you got zapped ." I added as an after thought. Smiling at the memory .

"Don't remind me ,the twerp threw a spell at me and now I can hardly walk a couple of steps before I begin sway like a drunk" He scowled at me.

I instantly smiled at his demise. I mean what are friends for?.

Holding his glare for a second , I sighed and turned my back to him and looked out the window behind the desk.

"I don't know Cyrus . He's a guy and a pairing like this has never been recorded in any of the ancient books ."

"So what if he's a guy. The moon goddess has given him to you there's no one who could make you happier than he can now" he said with a shrug.

A comfortable silence fell across the room. A moment later a loud growl broke the tranquil silence.

"Okayyy you need to go feed that beast from hell you call a stomach and if you see the brat make him undo the damn spell" a frown forming  on his face as he came towards the end of the sentence.

Even though I had my back turned to him , I could easily tell his facial expression just by the tone of his voice .

Grunting in response I turned and walked over towards the door , grabbing the knob I twisted it and pulled the door open stepping out into the hallway.

"And get me some bacon and orange slices ...." Was all I heard before I closed the door behind me.

Walking down the hallway I stopped in front of the room that contained a comatose corally .

Before I could make a move to the door opened and a figure stepped right into my chest .

Mate.I tensed at the thought.

He smelled like lemons.

"What are you doing out here?" I growled at him .
What is he thinking he was injured , he can't just go around like that .

He blinked at me before cocking his head to one side. Cute . I mentally shuddered at the thought , what's wrong with me .

"What,I was hungry" his voice was unnaturally high for a males , but it was a bit to deep to belong to a female.

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