Finding You: Extra!

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(A/N: This chapter is really long due to it being based off the Extra of SAO. Which is a movie, you can find it on Crunchyroll.)

Ava's POV

I yawned as I lay against the wall.

Didn't sleep at all last night...


"Ava! Sugu and Kirito are here!" Aiko pointed out. She was dressed in casual clothes today, her favorite purple panda shirt with her black skirt. Her hair was in a ponytail today and she was wearing her black converse with white knee-high socks.

"Hey, Ava. Aiko." Kirito greeted us as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"You alright? You look tired." He asked me, considered.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" I lied, hoping he would take it.


"Let's go swimming Sugu!" Aiko cheered, holding her bag in her hand.

"Yay..." Sugu let out a nervously laugh.

"It's alright Sugu, Asuna and I will teach you how to swim! I promise!" I nodded confidently.

"A-Alright." Sugu nodded, hesitantly.

"It'll be fun!" Aiko laughed, clutching to Sugu's arm.


"Hey, you four!" I hear and turn to see Asuna, Rika (Lisbeth), Keiko (Silica) and Minako.
All with their bags in their hands.

"Glad you guys made it." I grinned, earning a hug from Rika or Liz.

"Wouldn't miss it!"

"You guys do know that I'm having a emergency counseling.." Kirito sweatdropped.

"Yeah guys, I don't think we should be too excited.." Minako joined him.

"Whatever! Let's make the best of it!" Rika grinned.

"Yeah! Be positive!" Asuna gave us all a thumbs up.


"You don't know how negative I can be right now.." I mumbled.

"Shh! Positive!"



"Fine," I laughed, finally agreeing."I hope you'll make it to lunch Kirito." I asked, turning to him.

"Hopefully, I will join you guys." He nodded.

"We should go," Keiko or Silica spoke.

"Right, don't wanna keep your counselor waiting." Minako remarked, walking to the 'SAO Survivor School'.

-----TIME LAPSE-----

After we said 'see you later' to Kirito, we all headed towards the changing rooms to change into our swimsuits.

Finding You (Sequel to Survive or Die)Where stories live. Discover now