Finding You: Asuna!

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Asuna's Thoughts

When I logged out of SAO,

I tried to find anyone of my friends.

I first meet,

Rika or Lizbeth.

Next, I met Kirito or Kirigaya.


I met Ava.

She was still stuck in the NerveGear.

Laying on a hospital bed, not moving an inch.

That made my blood boil.

"Why was she still there?

How did it happen?

She doesn't deserve this, so why is it happening?!"

Kirito and Aiko were the most depressed.


I was just angry.

Angry at the world,

Angry at the game,

Angry at the NerveGear,

Angry at everything.

Why did it have to be one of my best friends?

Why couldn't the pain and suffering just end?

Everything became dull and gray.

When Ágil sent me the picture of Ava, I was thrilled.

Nothing more made my eyes brighten and shine even more than at that moment!

She was fine and we could find her!

I would do anything in my power to help her become free again!

When I first saw her, up and moving,

I couldn't help myself but cry and embrace her.

It was over.

SAO had finally ended.

We could go back to our lives again.


Something is still stopping her.

I'm not sure what is,

But I know it has to do something with the game.

The recent incident with her father didn't help either.

Cold-blooded bastard deserves to rot in jail.

That only added fuel to the fire.

She seems a lot more distance and cold.

Aiko has been telling me when Ava talks about SAO or mentions it, she'll lock herself in her room all day.

But not just any Sword Art Online memory, the difficult ones.

The battles,

The crimes,

The deaths,

The passed.

Often in life, we forget the things we should remember,

And remember the things we should forget.

I remember when she told me about her old guild, The Red Rose Fighters.
How they managed to make her smile in the chaos of the virtual reality world.

She seemed so forced to tell me.

Like she wanted nothing to do with that memory.

And the boss fight,

That side of her was something I had never seen before.





That day I noticed, Ava was strong, but only the cover the weakness that she owned.

She still tries to do the same today.

Fights battles on her own to become the best.

She never asks for help for anything.

She fakes and smile and says she's okay,

But in reality,

She barely makes it through the day.

But that all needs to change.

I already have fought the demons of that world,

And opened up again.

She helped me while we were in that game,


I'll return the favor.

Finding You (Sequel to Survive or Die)Where stories live. Discover now