Chapter 2

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A/N this chapter is dedicated to allgeeky  Mlpjokershobbit  FettWriter TorettoKenobi13


Skulduggery looked around. Where the hell had his hat gone? Why hadn't Valkyrie told him? He looked straight up. A tall 30 floor building. And where was Valkyrie? In a nice warm comfy bed.

 His suit danced in the wind.  Why was he here again? Oh yeah, to grab Grand Mage Sorrows. He shook his head as he saw a female shadow appear on the 27th floor. " Here goes nothing." He summoned his powers and guided himself through the air and landed on a belcany as he saw the shadow again, slithering across the dimmed light. He smashed in the door and casually walked through, pulling out his gun form his hidden shoulder holster and loaded it. He looked around. He was in a nice lounge.

The room had a smell of roses. It had a tow piece suite with a glass coffee table covered in last weeks papers and a spilt coffee. Above him hung a white lamp shade covered in cob webs. In front of the coffee table was a 56 inch TV with a stereo system and Sky TV.

He looked on the ground. Blood. A knife. He could hear heavy breathing coming from behind a door, loacated east of the TV. He walked to it, slowly, his gun rased. His fingers on the trigger.

He reached out for the door. He flung it opened.

Sitting in the cleaning closet, was a fed up looking Grand Mage Sorrows. Her hands were chains and around her neck hung some sort of torture device. Her mouth was gagged. "mmmmmmm mmmmm....mhmmhmmhmhhhh!!!!" she murmured, her face going red.

He pulled her up and removed her gag. " You shouldn't have come, Skulduggery." she said as he snapped her shackles off. " I could've handled this myself. Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah. The guys you were after, left down the evaluator after throwing me in here."

" You're welcome!" exclaimed Skulduggery  as he placed his gun back in its holster. He dusted off some cobwebs that had some how made it on to his fabulous suit. " Well at least nobody was hurt this time."

Suddenly the Grand Mage fell to the floor, gasping for breath. Her face went form its perky peach into a ghastly pale white. Her breathing shallow and rapid. A pool of blood appeared form her chest. 

He raced over to her, tearing off a bit of his shirt. There goes another good shirt. And applied pressure to the stab wound. He picked her up before leaping out of the window..

She looked up at him. " Skulduggery," she asked weakly, " when will you use the door?"

Running toward the Bentley, he looked down at her pale face. " My dear, sweet China Sorrows, how many times do I have to tell you, Doors are for people with no imagination."

He unlocked the Bentley and placed China on the back seat. He closed the door before sitting down in the drivers seat. He drove off into the night.


A/N Hey guys! I've finally got chapter 2 done! What do you guys think will happen next? Comment below.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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