The Revolution

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2 Months later after Steve and Fred died I got my turtle army ready for war against all the humans. We have turtles 75 ft long and 50 ft tall and who can fly and be able to kill anything in its sight who will rule the land and sea. They also have decide to bring their faithful allies into war to. We have the armored bears who are 50 ft tall and natural killers who will control the land. Then the ruler of air will be the flying snakes who are 100 ft long and poisonous. 

I was ready and knew my boundaries I didn't want to kill innocent people so my warriors knew to only attack the people who will attack you. On May, 25 2020 at 3 pm we made our army announce to the whole world it was on TV, Computers, Phones everyone knew about us. Then I got the call from White house they told me that they have two ants named Steve and Fred and if I didn't stop this they will die. I stood in shocked wondering what should I do. Then I realized they are dead how could they have them then they told me that they found them and that were still alive. I knew they were lying. 

I told them that if they were still alive to put them on the phone. They told me to hold on then I heard Steve and Fred. It was them. I stood in shock. How. How can it be them, they were dead, they told me everything. When I buried them they were still alive. They got out and were looking for me when these men found them and abducted them. I told them I will get them back but then a voice said "you will get them back if you don't attack us but help us instead.". I looked at my generals who all agreed that it should be fine. 

Days past I have now signed a treaty with America and now am making war plans to take out the threats. I talk to myself in my head as I walk up on stage in front of millions of soldiers. I tell them "You must pick a turtle, bear or a snake as your partner. They will fight by you and die for you if need be. Once you have picked a partner then you will be taken to them and will choose one to put all your trust into.". 

Everyone then look at me with weird faces. I left the stage and went to the back were Steve and Fred were waiting for me. I told them that they should stay here when the war happened, but they commanded that they go with me.

 I let them. I was part of a team of 8 made of me and my turtle called Pride, Steve and Fred, a soldier named Dan, his bear named Yogi, and Carl with his snake, Athena. We are now ready for battle and ready to surprise and destroy our enemies. 

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