The Last Breath

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Steve and Fred were cuddle against me as the aliens were breaking through the lines Dan, Yogi, Pride were preparing to fight. When then a giant explosion came out of nowhere and blew the door open it was Carl with a giant mutated turtle. He look at us and we look back with our mouths open. He said that they have took the turtles and snakes and bears and mutated them into aggressive killing machines. I look at my turtle Pride as he stared to cry he said that it was his mom. Pide then attack Carl but he dodged it and hit the wall he then look at his mom telling her to not go into the dark but it was to late for her. When they were talking I sneak a rpg and then shot it at Carl but he flick it away and blew up dan and yogi he died instantly. I feel on my knees and start to cry knowing that it was all over when then out of nowhere Athena came back out of nowhere and attack carl tearing his head off. The mutated turtle then attack Athena by tearing her neck open killing her.Then a loud alarm went off from the mother ship knowing that they know their leader Carl is dead they started to come more and more of them. We were all doom to die me Steve, Fred, Pride, and I were all huddle up in a corner ready to face our faith when then Steve and Fred said no and look at me as they grew to 6 ft tall and then grab two blue rocks. They said as they start spinning in circles we will win for you steve and Fred then turn into a dragon of fire. I look at them and they talk and said we will destroy their mothership as they fly up to the ship and with their last breath they fired a fireball destroying it but just a they did the mother ship could fire one last shoot which shoot steve and fred. They fell from the sky and then a big explosion as i knew they have die. Everyone scream as we had won the war and that the war was over. Years have went by as i come back to the spot that Steve and Fred destroyed the mother ship and see the giant statue of them. I will remember them for saving us and making my dream of having my own turtle world. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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