The War Among All Wars

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I look at everyone around me as we were on our way to new country of North Russia which is Russia, China, and North Korea which have all decided to join together. We were about 5 hours away all of us getting to know each other so we can be a better team. Yogi, Pride, Athena, Dan, Carl, Steve, Fred, and I we were talking about what we like to do and how their home planet is. All of just sitting there and having fun when something hit the plane we were in we all had to had to get on Pride the flying turtle so we can get out of the ship. We flew out the ship everyone looking abound to see what hit us we saw nothing then we look up and saw a giant alien spaceship. Carl started to laugh as he transforms into an alien we all look into fear as a small spaceship came from the bigger one and we hear Carl starting to talk he said with a deep creepy voice 'Us aliens have decided to take over your planet and take all of your resources and kill you all' we all look as he laughed with evil. Athena his snake got really mad and then attack him but just as she Carl pulled out a gun and fired a laser which hits her immediately and she fell from the sky to the ground. We all then went into attacking mode and right when he did he teleported away. I felt sad that we were betrayed and lie to and that Athena had died we all then realized we would have to fight two enemies. Immediately after they called HQ and told them they said they just figured out that North Russia was destroyed by the aliens. I was scared and didn't know what to do if they could take out their army of billions in seconds what could we do. Everyone was all full look out for the aliens and everyone had to return back to America. When we got home everything was crazy phones ringing people looking frustrated and scared. I had to do something to keep everyone from freaking out but right when I was about to a siren went off and I look outside to see pods hitting the ground from the sky and people shooting I knew that the battle was just beginning.

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