When the signs are tired

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Aries:  Look. I just wanna go to bed now.

Taurus: I'm not really ready to go to sleep but fine... *sighs*

Gemini:  What time is it? *checks time* I HAVE TO SLEEP NOW!

Cancer: *tries to stay awake but struggles*

Leo: It's too late for this. I'm out *falls asleep*

Virgo: *checks time* If I go to bed at exactly this time, I'll still have exactly 8 hours of sleep.

Libra: Goodnight guys. I'll be pretty busy tomorrow so I need all the rest I can get.

Scorpio: *says they aren't tired but as soon as they lay in bed, they pass out*

Sagittarius: *really wants to go to bed* can I just take a nap or something? I'm so exhausted

Capricorn: *surfs internet* I should probably get to sleep. Ehh maybe in an hour or so. *falls asleep in the middle of scrolling*

Aquarius:  *gets really cranky* I just need sleep..

Pisces:  *giggles constantly* I swear I'm not crazy. I just get loopy when I'm tired. ( So me xD )

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