Getting complimented

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My favorite has got to be Capricorn's. I grew up with Drake and Josh and it was my all time favorite show :)

Aries: um thanks! I guess


Gemini:  Thank you very much kind one

Cancer:  You're my new best friend!!

Leo:  Already knew that but thanks!

Virgo: *blushes* thanks

Libra: Thank you kindly *smiles*

Scorpio: *silence* wait you're talking to me? Oh! Thank you then.

Sagittarius: Aweeee you so nice!

Capricorn: HUG ME BROTHA!!

Aquarius: Awee look at you! Being all sweet and stuff. Thanks love!

Pisces: *looks around room to see if anyone else is there* So you are talking to me then.... THANK YOU!!!! *smiles*

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