Chapter 25- Comrades

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A few days later, September 28th

A massive convoy consisting of troop transportation vehicles such as four seater jeeps, the M4 halftrack trucks and the larger troop lorry trucks carrying commonwealth soldiers here to relieve the 82nd and the 101st.

It was one of the main army regiments from the Brits', and Jack didn't care much about the name of their outfit. He was too busy with seeing to his company and that they're getting into the vehicles without any issues.

Orders were for Jack and other company officers to get their men loaded up into the trucks as soon as the Englishmen have gotten off. So when Jack had asked James about what was going on, James simply replied, "We're being rerouted to Bastogne, somewhere in Belgium in order to replenish our forces there."

Which was some damn good news, and Jack became even more thankful for the Englishmen here relieving them at the newly established frontline.

With time being short and a schedule to keep, the soldiers weren't getting a warm breakfast, so instead. Harris was making sure everyone in the company was getting their share of rations with bread, rackets and a few slices of deli meat along with a small mug of milk from the local farmers.

"The last of the men have been accounted for sir, company Bravo is ready to go when ready." Harris reported and Jack said his thanks to his friend before he went off to inform James and Cole about his company's status along with several other company Captains.

After ten minutes of doing a final head count, the remains of the 101st along with the 82nd withdrew from Veghel with their destination being a town near Bastogne.

German field hospital;

Otto, Kristin, and several others from the 1st platoon had made their way up to the field hospital after the incident involving Sergeant Oslo back in Arnhem.

The man was a freaking tank, he took a few stab wounds and a point blank rifle shot during the close quarters fighting. That goes to show how much adrenaline must've been pumping through him and how strong his survival instinct was before he finally collapsed at the end of that awful brawl.

Everyone was initially in shock, in his four years of service in the Wehrmacht, Oslo had never been wounded during combat up until now.

As for his first time being shot and stabbed, he never could've imagined how much it hurts. Without the pain killers being administered to him every so often, it felt like an never ending searing pain from a 3rd degree wound.

Oslo, the giant of Hamburg had fallen that day, but he was enjoying his new found comforts in the warm, cozy hospital bed. All except for the occasional rises in pain from the painkilling medication wearing off that'd keep him awake.

"Entschudigung, Fräulein, wir sind suchen für unsere Freund, Feldwebel Oslo Kruger... Weißt du wo er ist?"Kristin asked as he walked up to one of the nurses that was attending the patients here.

The nurse in question perked up when she heard someone walking up behind her and turned around to see the older NCO with hopeful eyes looking at her. She smiled a little and thought for a moment trying to pull the name from her memory, then she placed the face with the name and nodded a little.

"Ja herr, ich Weißt. Bitte kommen Sie mit mir," The young woman said and she was quite attractive too. With some very fine curves in all the right places, and the golden braided hair too that reached the middle of her back was a great treat to see for the men accompanying Kristin.

They haven't seen a young woman as attractive as she was in months. Ever since the allied forces invaded Normandy it was nonstop action for the men of the 9th Panzer. Leaving no chance what so ever for free time and on top of that, the Colonel's very strict with policy as punishment means.

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