Chapter One: I Call Shotgun

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"STUPID FREAKING EARPHONES," I roared, stomping them into my black carpet. They were all tangled, and I wanted to listen to music. And If I wanted to listen to music, I was gonna listen to music. I was super stubborn. An example of my stubbornness is the color of the carpet. My Mom wanted me to be a girly girl, so she did my room in pink when I was eleven years old. Even the carpet was this pinkish-salmon color that still gave me nightmares. We argued about the hideous state of my bedroom for weeks until, finally, I took a black sharpie and individually colored each strand of the carpet. She redid my room after that.

So that was why I was wrestling with my pair of ear buds. I could just listen to my iPod without them, considering my parents were out on another business trip, but I enjoyed the experience better with ear buds. I sat down on the floor cross-legged and concentrated really hard on untangling them. I even tried using the force from star wars, but that didn't work. Wouldn't stop me from trying though. Every time.

Eventually, with a frustrated growl, I flung the accursed thing across the room and stalked out the door and down the hall. I was going to just go buy a new pair. Then, when I got home, I was going to put the old ones through a paper shredder and burn the pieces. 

Still in my pajamas, I grabbed my keys and purse, stuffed my feet in my black converse, and made sure to slam the front door on my way out. It was dark outside, which was normal since it was midnight, and a little chilly. My pajamas were just a black lacy tank top and a pair of silky black short shorts with white polka dots. I was freezing, but I wasn't going to go grab a jacket. Pfft. Ain't nobody got time for that.

I jumped like a ninja into my dark gray Mazda 3 and sped out of the driveway. Literally. Like I broke the law for sure. I rolled the windows down just to say, 'go screw yourself weather,' and reached the store in minutes. Luckily no police officers were around on the drive. 

I shuffled lazily into the store and ignored the odd looks the store employees were giving me. I walked up and down the aisles, looking for ear buds. I was in the middle of debating between a neon green pair and a black pair (my favorite color. Duh.) when the bell rang in the front that signaled somebody came inside. I glanced up, and my eyes involuntarily widened. This boy was freaking gorgeous. Like it should be illegal to be that hot. He had tousled soft-looking black hair that I wanted to tackle him for and run my fingers through. He wore a tight-fitting t-shirt that hugged his well-muscled chest, and dark denim jeans that hung low on his waist. His stunningly intense green eyes met mine, and he shot me a half-smile that sent my heart into a frenzy, punching the inside of my chest. I blinked in shock. Not at him, but at myself. I should not be letting some boy affect me like that. A deeply-tanned, unbelievably sexy boy with a nice, lean torso...

NO! Okay, retard, get a grip on yourself! I shook my head to clear my thoughts and put one pair of ear buds back, not even caring which one it was. I kept my head down and hurried to the register.

"How may I help you, darling?" the overly cheerful woman asked me. I shot her a look, and tossed the ear buds down on the counter. Suddenly, the woman gasped, and she was staring directly behind me, expression horrified. She looked like someone killed her cat by running it over with a bus full of rhinos.

"What?" I asked her. Out of nowhere, a warm, tan, muscular arm put me in a seriously impressive headlock. I felt something cold, hard, and metal press against my temple. And by the look on the woman's face, I kinda guessed what it was.

"Don't move," a voice whispered harshly in my ear, sending chills down my spine. It must be the seriously hot guy, since he was the only other one in the store.

"Come on, dude," I complained as he tightened his grip. The woman put her hands over her mouth. The guy jerked me upright and spun me around to face him, and my heart momentarily stopped. Excuse me while I remember to breathe. The expression in this guy's eyes should have been terrifying, but, instead, it was kind of sexy.

"Don't move, don't talk, don't even breathe without my say so. Understood?" he snapped. I made a big show of holding my breath. The guy (let's call him hottie) stared at me in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his tone colored with bewilderment. I didn't respond, but I felt my face turn red, then purple. His eyes widened as he realized what I was doing.

"You can breathe!" he shouted, face full of panic. I gasped for air and coughed and wheezed and a bunch of other sounds I have no name for.

"Are you insane?" he growled, sounding annoyed. I shrugged, still breathless, and hottie scowled. The clerk lady wasn't moving. I wasn't moving. Hottie wasn't moving. I got a little impatient.

"Can you get on with it?" I demanded. He looked surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"Killing me. I don't know about you, but I hate anticipation," I explained, calmly discussing my death. He scoffed.

"Now that's just plain disrespectful. Don't scoff at the good-as-dead-girl-with-a-gun-pressed-to-her-temple." 

"I'm not going to kill you," he laughed, and I stared at him in horror. I covered my lady parts with my hands.

"I'm a virgin!" I shouted, and his eyes narrowed.

"I'm not here to rape you, Ashley," he snapped. My eyes all of a sudden resembled saucers.

"How do you know my name?" I asked fearfully. He rolled his eyes, and I realized two things. A) this guy was insane and B) I should probably run now. Like hell. I jerked to the side and lunged towards the front exit. I made it all of two feet before he caught me. I struggled against his iron grip, kicking and punching any area of him I could reach.

"Let me go, creepo!" I screamed, and he grunted as my elbow landed in his stomach. I felt the air leave his lungs, and I stomped on his foot. As he bent over in pain, I shoved him back and made a run for it. I bolted outside and flew through the parking lot to my car. I heard footsteps behind me, and I willed my legs to go faster. As I got closer, I heard a click behind me and his footsteps stopped. I whipped my head back to look at him. I knew what the click was. Him cocking his gun. I wanted him to have to look me in the eyes as he ended my life. But he wasn't pointing the gun at me.

It was aimed at a 5 year old boy and his mother. The little boy clung to his mother's leg, sobbing hysterically. The woman gazed at hottie with wide eyes.

"Please don't hurt my baby," she begged. "Shoot me if you have to, but leave my son alone." I realized then what I had to do. It went against every fiber in my being. But I couldn't let this little innocent boy die. Hottie's finger tightened on the trigger.

"Wait," I shouted. Hottie paused to look over at me. "I'll do whatever you want, but don't hurt him," I pleaded, and he considered before lowering his weapon. The mother thanked me silently with her eyes, and I slumped my shoulders in defeat. Hottie walked over to me, and I backed up slightly. He reached around me and popped open the trunk of the car I was standing next to.

"Get in," he ordered. Panic shot through me, and my flight or fight instinct flared. I shoved it down and took a deep breath.

"Just a second," I told hottie quietly, and he opened his mouth to protest, but I ignored him. I directed my question to the mother.

"What is his name?" I asked. She looked taken aback.

"Um...Jason, but-"

"It's okay Jason," I told the little boy, cutting the mom off. "I'm going to go with this nice man, and you'll be with your mommy. Okay?" The boy nodded once, his blonde curls bouncing. I bit my lip and turned to look at hottie. His eyes were unreadable.

"Alright, I'm ready," I said bravely, and he gestured to the trunk. I ignored the open trunk and walked around to the passenger side.

"I call shotgun," I said calmly, and opened the passenger door and hopped in, gazing longfully at my Mazda. Hottie shrugged and moved to the driver's seat. He slammed his door and started the car. I stared out the window, and reality hit me. I was being kidnapped. 

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