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"What?"  I yelled as I entered the combination to open the door, expecting to find one of my friends, or possibly Admiral Paris, here to tell me I was needed at work even though I'd been on overtime all week to finish our project in time for it to go out with the USS Valencia next week.

"Delighted to see you."  My eyes bulged as I saw Weyoun at my front door.

"What the bloody hell are YOU doing here?" I hissed,  trying not to raise my voice so I din't wake the others.

"I need to talk to you."  He barged past me, without waiting to be invited in.  Not that I was planning on it.

He walked through the hall and into the kitchen where he fixed himself a glass of water and then walked on into the living room, taking a seat in the armchair as though he lived there.  I shut the door before going to stand in front of him with a vicious glare on my face.

"You have two minutes before I call security."  He nodded and gestured for me to sit down, which I did.  Keeping my guard up the entire time.  The war may be over but Weyoun is still not to be trusted in my opinion, he has done too much since the end of the war to try and win back control for the Dominion, for me to trust him.

"I wish for you to speak to Admiral Paris for me.  I have considered my post-incarceration position and decided that I would like to become a member of Starfleet in an ambassadorial position.  However, he has ignored my proposal, I know that he holds you in considerable regard and values your opinion, as such, I feel that if you endorsed my application he would accept." 

He looked me dead in the eye, totally serious while I gaped in shock.  I wasn't sure whether to laugh, call security or kick him straight out of my home.  After several minutes silence, I finally found the words I was searching for.

"You have got to be kidding me."  He opened his mouth to respond as I paused but I completely ignored him and kept going.  "You want ME to help YOU get into Starfleet?  For one thing you would never pass the Academy and why would I want to help you?  You tried to kill me, or have you forgotten?"

"I was hopeful that you had matured sufficiently to let go of the grudge.  Clearly I was mistaken."  My eyes bulged in rage at the way he spoke to me.

"Get out!"  I grabbed him by the arm and shoved him out of the front door, closing it rapidly it in his face when he turned around to speak again.  I locked the door securely before turning and storming back into the living room to think about what happened today.

I sat down in the armchair when a bright yellow item caught my eye.  Thinking it was one of the younger one's toys I moved to grab it, but when I did, I found a dominion computer chip.  It peaked my interest and cheered me up, if I could find some information that would piss of Weyoun it would really make my day, almost enough to make up for the irritation of seeing him again.

I ran up to my room and plugged it into my modified personal display device. 

"Computer, scan the data chip and access the files in chronological order."  It confirmed by command and I waited for a few moments as it processed the command.  Finally the data was ready and I went through the file slowly. 

It started off pretty boring, facts about the number of Jem'Hadar still alive, the medical side effects of them being forced to adapt to life without Ketracel-White.  The state of the Breen Empire, and several other menial things detailing the impact of the war on the Dominion Alliance.  Then I got to an encrypted file.  Finally, things were getting good.

I ran it through the new decryption algorithm that a couple of cadets had developed as part of an intelligence project.  It was quite impressive, and much more efficient than the old one even though they had only needed to add a few more pieces of code.  I smiled absentmindedly as the information translated, the first lined was translated and I frowned.

USS Gryphon            NCC-65550  

USS Constellation   NCC-1974

USS Magellan            NCC-3069

USS Gettysburg        NCC-3890

USS Voyager              NCC-74656

The list continued to several ships which had 'mysteriously' disappeared around the end of the war but Voyager had peaked my interest.  There was very little I knew about my past, pretty much all of it was classified to the highest level for some reason.  What I did know came from when I was 10 and I hacked into the database using Admiral Paris' command codes which I stole.  Before security came in and arrested me I managed to find out that at one point my parents were stationed on there.

It wasn't much but if I could find wherever these ships were, or at least the locations of their data files then I'd be one step closer to finding out who my parents were and if I had any family left.

I kept going through the data stick and came up with a location that looked like it was in the Gamma Quadrant but I couldn't quite pinpoint the exact spot.  I was thinking about going into stella cartography to try and get a better fix until I looked at the clock.  It was 2330 hours and my shift started at 0800, plus I had to help the others get ready for school.  And trust me, getting a house full of ex-borg children ready for school was no picnic.

I downloaded all of the fully decrypted files onto a fresh datastick nad left it out to take with me tomorrow.  After my shift I was going down to stella cartography so I could make sure this place actually existed.  If I could cooberate all of the information on the datastick then I'd be able to take it to Starfleet Command and we might actually find these people.

Star Trek Voyager: ChildhoodWhere stories live. Discover now