Chapter 13 : Flashbacks and fears

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Chapter 13

Alex POV

"Oh my god, where is he!?" I asked, looking around the room.

"What if his dad came?"

"I don't know..."

"Well maybe he just went to someone's room or something."

"Nick, he wouldn't do that. He's scared."

"Well duh!"

We continued looking around the room. And then I saw some fingers until Jeff's bed. I bent down, and sure enough, Jeff was under his bed.

"Jeff. What are you doing under there?" I asked.

"I just got scared my dad would come, and no one would be here to help me," he whispered.

"Oh. Well come here."

I took his hands in mine, and pulled him out.

"We won't leave you alone, alright? Someone will always be with you. Would that make you feel better?" I asked.


"Alright. That's what we'll do then..."

The next morning...

Alex POV

Nick and I were letting Jeff sleep in a little bit this morning. It was Sunday, and we weren't doing anything important.

All of a sudden, we heard a scream from Jeff. He sat bolt upright in his bed, and started crying. I ran over to him, and pulled him into a hug.

"M-my b-back!" Jeff screamed.

"What's wrong with your back?" Nick asked, climbing down from the top bunk.


We had Jeff lay down on his stomach, and then we looked at his back. There were bruises on there, but they were mostly faded now.

"Jeff, the only thing on your back is the bruises, and they're mostly gone now," Nick said.

Jeff calmed down, and stopped crying.

"M-maybe I d-dreamed it..." He mumbled.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked.

"Not really..."

"Ok, good. What was your dream about?"

I helped Jeff get settled under his blankets again.

"Um... My dad got my mid marking period report... And he... He took me home... And he started um... he... he hit me a few times..."

Jeff was starting to get all worked up again. I took his hand in mine, and held it tightly.

"Jeff, is your dad abusing you?" Nick asked.

"I deserve it!" Jeff cried.

"Why do you say that?" Nick asked.

"Because I'm a horrible son!"

"Why? What have you done that's so wrong?"

"I don't obey! And I get bad grades!"


"Please don't tell him I told you! I'll get in so much trouble! He'll kill me! Please!"

"We won't, Jeff," Nick said.

"Can you please tell us what he does to you?" I asked.

Jeff POV


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