Chapter 24 : Territorial

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Chapter 24


Alex POV

I could tell Nick was turning his sadness into anger. And it was scaring me a little. He would get frustrated about the littlest things. And he would start screaming. It scared the crap out of Jeff when it happened.

"How do they expect us to understand this!? This makes absolutely no sense at all!" Nick yelled, throwing his textbook on the floor, which made a loud bang.

"Nick, how about we do it together. We'll help you, ok?" I asked.

"You don't know how to do it either!"

"Maybe I can figure it out though."

"No! It's hopeless!"


"No! Don't talk to me!"

He grabbed a change of clothes, and slammed the bathroom door shut.

I looked over at Jeff, who was hiding under the covers on my bed.

"Jeff, come out."


"Please? Nick is gone. He's in the bathroom."


"I promise."

Jeff lifted the covers off.

"Come here."

Jeff sat down on the floor next to me.

"I really hate when he's loud," Jeff said, quietly.

"He's just upset about his mom."

"Well he doesn't have to yell about it!"

"I know, Jeff. Come on. Let's figure this stuff out so when Nick is done with his shower, we can help him."



"I need to show you something..."


He pulled up his sleeve, and there were 4 fresh cuts on his wrist. 

"Jeff, when did you do that?"

"This morning..."


"Because my dad is going to get my grades soon, and he calls me dumb, and it's true!"

"It's not true, Jeff. You're smart. It just takes you a little longer to understand it."

"I feel stupid. I have trouble with like... everything."

"Jeff. We're helping you with that. You're doing a lot better than you were when I first met you. You didn't even talk back then. And now you tell me everything."

"Well then can I tell you something else?"


"I don't like you letting Nick sleep in our bed."


"Because he scares me, but also because I feel like he's trying to steal you away from me!"

"Someone's a little jealous..."

"You are mine, not Nick's! And I want it to stay that way!"

"Jeff, calm down! It's definitely going to stay that way. I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to worry."

"I want him in his own bed."

"Jeff, the only reason he's in our bed is because he's upset and he just wants to be comforted."

"Well he's being mean and yelling for no reason, and it's scary, and I don't want him in my bed!"

"Ok, ok! Settle down!"

Jeff's cheeks were flushed red, and I could tell he was very bothered by Nick. He was pouting, but it actually looked adorable. I started laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!"

"I can't help it! You look so cute!"

"I am not cute."

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not!"

He put his hands on his hips, which only made me laugh harder.

"Stop it!"

The bathroom door flew open.

"Would you two quit yelling!? I'm trying to get dressed in peace!" Nick shouted.

Jeff shrunk down beside me. Nick shut the door again.

"Hey. It's ok. In a few days, he'll be back to normal again," I said, putting my arm around Jeff.

"Get him out of my bed."

"Ok, ok... Someone's territorial."

"I am only territorial when someone is threatening what's mine. And I believe you belong to me!"

He wrapped his arms around my waist firmly, and held on. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You're very cute, Jeff," I said, patting his head lightly.

"I am not cute."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Why don't you think you are?"

"Because my dad says I'm ugly."

"Jeff, when are you going to stop believing what he says?"

He paused before answering.

"I don't know..."

"Well how about you start now. You're not fat. You're not stupid. You're not ugly. And you have a girlfriend. But I don't even care about any of that stuff anyways. I like your personality."


"Because you're cute."

"How can my personality be cute?"

"Because you get scared sometimes. And you're unsure about a lot of things. But it's not like you're terrified of everything, and just sit in bed or hide or whatever. You like to cuddle and watch movies. You're a total sweetheart, Jeff. But you're also very handsome and adorable. That's a plus."


"How, what?"

"I don't get how you like me."

"Maybe for similar reasons that you like me. Why don't you explain your reasons?"

"I like you because... well... You're my best friend. Nobody has ever cared about me before. Everyone would just make fun of me and hurt me. And you're pretty. And funny. You protect me from Sebastian. I just like you."

"Well I like you too. You're cute and adorable. I don't know how else I can explain it."

Jeff sighed, still holding onto me.

"Come on. Let's work on the homework."

"Do not let him in my bed," Jeff growled.

"Calm down," I said, patting his head again.

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