Back again for more art? Awesome!
New to this book? Enjoy my art!
I'll try to update more than I did with that last one and hopefully I'll improve too!
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Got bored at this thing I do so I drew this in my note book. I actually quite like it though.
Anyway, rant. I just want to get this out my system so you don't need to read it.
Okay so my friend has been shipping me with 3 and a half people. The half is because she only ships me a bit with this person. I'm not gonna say they're proper names but I'll call them something so I can refer to them as that if I need to.
Person 1 I'm gonna call Chris. Person 2 I'm gonna call Matt. Person 3 I'm gonna call Damian. Half person I'm gonna call Luke.
Luke I'm not really bothered about. I've never even meet Chris. I dunno... I probably would date Matt or Damian if one of them ask me out. But like I wouldn't ask them myself. I dunno... I HAVE MIXED EMOTIONS ABOUT THIS.
Not gonna lie, I kinda want a boyfriend... like that sounds bad but I've never had one and I think it'd be nice. Plus I have exams coming up soon and I think it'd be nice to have someone I really really cared about there for me. I have friends here for me but it's not the same.... I appreciate them so much.
To be honest I'm probably not ready for a relationship anyways....