Back again for more art? Awesome!
New to this book? Enjoy my art!
I'll try to update more than I did with that last one and hopefully I'll improve too!
I got an egg adoptable from Nightiki- and I redrew him! I called him Tricks.
Here's the original:
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All credit for this goes to Nightiki- You should check out her art book! Her art is amazing!!
And here's my redraw:
Oups ! Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Afin de continuer la publication, veuillez la retirer ou mettre en ligne une autre image.
Well, a WIP anyway.
One thing I will say is please do not compare our art. The styles are completely different and it can also offended artists when you compare work. Don't do it.
I'm probably gonna finish him tomorrow.
Thank you again Night!! I love him! <3
Also, QnA is still open for questions. I'll answer them tomorrow sometime between 4 and 10 British time. I know that's a 6 hour different but I have chores and stuff to do in that time, and have dinner, do homework if I don't procrastinate (which I probably will) and my friend always comes round on Tuesdays.