Chapter 6

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24th December 2015

Lauren lay on the sofa still in her pyjamas, she hadn't changed all day. She wasn't going anywhere or doing anything so what was the point? Her almost constant nausea stopped her from going out. She still couldn't believe she was pregnant and now she the added stress of thinking how she was going to tell Chris.

She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but her thoughts kept wandering to Chris. She wanted nothing more than to be held by him and to kiss him. She was missing him terribly, she sighed to herself and sat up. Picking up her phone she called him, she was tired of being angry and hurt, she just wanted him now.

His voicemail kicked in straight away and Lauren left a message.

"Chris it's me, I'm so sorry. You're right, I jumped to conclusions without hearing your side. My stupid paranoia went into overdrive and just took over. I just want you to know I love you." It was all she could manage, the last part of the message she began to cry. She hung up and buried her face into the pillow and allowed her tears to flow.


Chris landed at Heathrow, it was 1am on Christmas morning, he was itching to get out of the terminal and on his way to Lauren. He collected his case and made his way out into arrivals.

He hoped no one spotted him, he'd decided to wear his glasses, hoping they'd provide enough of a disguise. He hated the cold of England, he had a coat on and a scarf wrapped tightly around him. He found his driver and went out to the car park. As they pulled out he noticed it had started to snow. He turned his phone on and once it kicked into life he noticed a missed call from Lauren.

His heart skipped a beat as he dialled into his voicemail. He heard her voice thick with emotion and he wished the driver would hurry up so he could see her and hold her.


Lauren woke up in bed, a bit confused as she couldn't remember going to bed. She felt for her phone on the bedside table and looked at the time, it showed 2am and her heart sank when she saw that Chris hadn't returned her call. She was beginning to think that it really was over between them.

She got up and went to the bathroom and noticed Katie was still up, she could hear her in the kitchen prepping for the day ahead. Returning from the bathroom she laid back down and closed her eyes. She heard a car pull up in the street but took no notice.

She was woken up a few minutes later by Katie. "Lauren, wake up. There's someone here to see you." Lauren opened her eyes "What? who?  at this time?" Katie smiled at her "Come on!" Katie half dragged her out of the bed. "Okay, jeez I'm up" Lauren walked from the bedroom and went downstairs. Katie pointed to the front door "out there."

Lauren opened the door to find Chris standing half way up the path, it had been snowing and there was a good covering. He stood there in a thick coat and scarf, the snow falling on him leaving white patches on his hair and shoulders. They stood looking at each other, before Lauren ran to him. He took her in his arms "I'm sorry, I love you, I-" She cut him off with a kiss, the feeling of electricity coursed through both of them.

They stood there just kissing, when they finally parted Chris smiled that smile that made Lauren melt. She smiled back at him looking into his eyes framed by his glasses. "I missed you" She said to him. Chris looked down at her feet "You must be freezing!" Lauren looked down and saw she wasn't wearing anything on her feet. She suddenly felt the cold and started to shiver, Chris held on to her as they went inside.

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