the beauty of a modern day existential crisis.

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what am i supposed to do with my life?

why don't i understand certain things?

is there a reason i get confused easily?

these are some of

the most common questions

i find myself asking.

and truth is i don't know

the answer to them

and probably never will.

life is weird like that

and i don't know why

and it infuriates me.

thats a real bother isn't it?

not knowing when

something will happen

if something will happen

what will happen.

the unknown

in my opinion

it it the most feared

thing among humans.

or it should be.

i feel that i have no purpose

in this world

and whatever i do or strive to do

will be useless

and unnecessary

in the long run.

so why bother?

why try to do something with my life

or make something of myself

when I know that

all that's going to happen

is  f a i l u r e ?

its all that's ever happened.

whos to say

that anything different

will ensure?

what will my life


and failures add up to?

will there be any meaning

or truth behind

what we choose to do in life?

or will everything fade away

in the ash and dust of lost memories?

lost hopes

and dreams

whats to happen then?

when all we become are naked souls

with no meaning or purpose.

with no  d

is that when the world will end?

or will the world end?

will there be a marvelous explosion

of blues and purples

full of stardust and fire

at the end of all things?

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