Delirium {AsylumSwap! Sans x Doctor! Frisk}

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She was so good, so kind, so trusting, of those around her.

Even if they didn't necessarily deserve it.

[first part here we go]
(Asylumtale is not mine)


Tip, tap, tip, tap, tip, tap, tip, tap.

The sound of shoes on the pristine linoleum floor.

The florescent lights casting a white glow on everything under them.

Was that her coming down the hallway?

He hoped so.

He'd seen her yesterday, less than twenty four hours ago, but it felt like years.

With no clock to tell him otherwise, he had started to believe it actually had been years.

All he knew was that it had been far too long since he'd seen her last.

The knob on the door jiggled.

He jolted to attention.

The sound of a key entering the heavy padlock.

His eyes widened, the lights that served as pupils in his sockets shrinking to pinpricks in focus.

The door opened a crack, letting light into his somewhat dimmed world.

He stumbled to his feet, almost falling over before steadying himself.

His arms were restrained, locked in place by the straps of his straight jacket and reducing his balance to that of a newborn baby bird.

The door opened fully, nearly blinding him with the intensity of the lights of the hallway.

And there she stood.

"Good morning, Sans."

that wonderful wonderful wonderful voice oh how he loved the sound of it

A flood of emotions washed over him at the sight of her, the sound of her voice sending him reeling.

Happiness, at seeing her again.

Relief, that she had come back even after last time.

Confusion, at why she left in the first place.

Anger, that she didn't stay.

Sadness, that he couldn't make her stay.

... Joy, simply at having her in the same room as him.

Excitement, in its' purest form, rushed over him once more and a smile, almost maniacal, stretched across his face.

He tore at his restraints, pulling and struggling, unable to use his magic to help free himself due to the nature of the cell he was confined in.
Just like the other rooms that contained monstrous, magically-inclined patients, the walls were made of magic-proof padding that muted the abilities of the inmates contained within.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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