Part 4 a slight mental break

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you all should have come to expect that there's gonna be violence swearing and other things don't like don't read probably a few more point of views (pov) than normal ben's pov play video when said

i had killed the rouge hunter and found a fair amount of information about a revolution of some kind so i went and found one of the members on a list in the hunters coat i had just dragged him through the portal to ravens home i saw alex walking out of a door up stairs he rushed down the stairs when he saw me where were you?! he growled demonically i was doing something raven asked me to. i said demonically how did you do that? he asked trust me  im not as stupid as i look. i said anywhere i can put him? i asked gesturing to the guy i had been dragging ill take him. alex said ravens probably gonna wanna hear about this. he said hear about what? raven asked walking through the door to the armory i started walking over to him leaving the guy with alex i killed the rouge hunter and found a fair amount of information in his home about some kine of revolution i tracked down one of the groups members and tried to get as much information out of him but didn't have the tools i needed. i said stopping in front of him alright thank you ben i'll take care of it. he said grabbing the guy from alex oh and raven we have a dinner guest coming soon. alex said thank you alex. raven said walking over to the door between the sets of stairs and alex if we have guests coming find our other guests something decent to wear. raven said walking through the door.

le time skip of one hour

i must admit alex had done a good job at finding me an outfit i had on black dress shoes and pants a white undershirt black jacket and a blue tie that matched my eyes perfectly i walked out of my room seeing him standing at the bottom of the steps i started walking down twords him i must admit you do have a sense for fashion. i said adjusting my tie thank you ben i can only hope the others think so but then again all i did for weiss ozpin and qrow was wash the outfits they had already. he said well still im sure you did fine by the way wheres the other two who were helping you? i asked well nickie and duncan are making dinner and more than likely they've already ruined it which is why i already made dinner. he said then why are they cooking even? i asked because they like to feel helpful when in reality im the only one who does anything in this place either way everyone else should be here right about now. he said as the others started walking down the steps and like he said weiss oz and qrow were wearing their regular outfits but yang had a long yellow dress on along with high heels that she seemed to be having trouble walking in. tai had black shoes pants and a black jacket along with a lilac tie and shirt. and i guess blake didn't want to wear a dress since she was wearing an outfit like weiss's but black. you have quite the eye for fashion. blake said why thank you mam. alex said bowing slightly now if you'll follow me i'll lead you to the dinning room. alex said wait wheres raven? i asked im right here. raven said seeming to appear out of thin air i looked over at him before blushing. i forced my blush down he had stunning good looks but that wasn't what made me blush his eyes were stunning they were a bright purple. alex have our other guests arrived yet? he asked yes they have now if you'll follow me i'll show you to the dinning room he said opening a door on the left side of the room raven walked in first and we followed him into a room with a massive dinning table two people were sitting at it a girl with black hair and hazel eyes and another girl with long blonde hair and purple eyes we all sat down as raven looked at the girl with black hair seeming agitated before setting down alice what are you doing here? he asked well i just thought i should pay you a visit its been what a year and a half? she asked alright and who is this? he asked looking over at the other girl why this is Lilly. she said alright and one more question. raven said and what would that be? alice asked how long have we known each other? he asked huh? alice asked seeming confused how long have we known each other? raven asked again but in a deeper voice fifteen years she said and who gave you almost everything you have? he? asked you did why are you asking me this? she asked confused after everything ive done for you you betray me!! raven growled in a distorted voice i don't understand. she said seeming to panic slightly you bring armed guards to my home you come here to kill me. he said gripping the cover on the table raven i really don't know what you mean. she said getting paler and stuttering YOU USE A WOMAN WHO LOOKS LIKE MY DAMN WIFE!!!! he yelled slamming his hands down on the table your the only one i ever told about her besides alex. im sorry raven i didn't want it to come to this. she said pulling out a pistol and firing it before any of us could react the bullet went right between ravens eyes as he fell back in his chair but thats the thing the moment you walked in here you were trapped. ravens voice said coming from everywhere ive been broken and put back together far more times than you can count. he said standing up showing the bullet be pushed out of his forehead as the wound healed alice stood up running to the door but it slammed shut before she could make it out im not human. im not a demon. im not an angel. what i am is a GOD DAMN FUCKING EXPERIMENT!!! he shouted as the door and wall she was standing at just changed into ash falling to the ground. she ran back as raven walked forwards his appearance started to change he started getting taller before stopping at seven and a half feet tall then to my surprise a massive purple tail burst out of his suit it looked similar to a foxes but had small spikes running along it i looked up seeing two small purple wolf ears on his head then his face got longer becoming more like a snout that was covered with purple fur raven laughed but i was deep distorted like something from your worst nightmare. are scared yet mortal? raven asked if not then you will be. he growled as he lurched forwards as four massive dragon wings burst from his back and his nails lengthened into claws before getting covered in purple fur. he held his clawed hand out as ashes started rising from the floor before forming a bigger version of his scythe you have come into my home planning on killing me. but thats the thing the second you entered my home you were trapped here. you even had the fucking nerve to use my own wife against me. im going to bring you to deaths door only to drag you back to the realm of the living for the rest of FUCKING ETERNITY!!!! he shouted his voice coming from everywhere but you want to what the funny thing is? he asked running one of his clawed fingers up the blade of his scythe what? she asked stuttering and shaking incredibly fast you mere humans only have a certain amount of time to train your skills were i as a GOD DAMN FUCKING IMMORTAL i have an infinite amount of time to train learn. he said i have KILLED more people than you could EVER know i have slaughtered kingdoms single handed in hours. he looked back at us i looked into his eyes seeing black lines jutting out across his eyes he looked at me and his eyes seemed to soften for only a second before he looked back at alice anyone who doesn't wish to be caught in my way and be an unnecessary casualty leave NOW! raven growled in his normal voice i grabbed weiss and blake by their shirt collars and started dragging them twords the steps WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! weiss screamed not giving you all the choice if you want to leave now everyone lets go! i yelled w-w-what y-y-you cant be s-s-serious. alice said i looked back at her before putting on my best insane smile oh im deathly serious. i said before starting to drag weiss and blake up the steps i looked back seeing the others following me tai had yang over his shoulder as she struggled to escape alex was also walking with us i reached the top of the steps walking to the common room i kicked the door open throwing weiss and blake in they landed on the couch before glaring at me i stepped out of the way as everyone else walked in i took one last look back at raven seeing that he was looking at me. i turned around and walked into the room alex shut the door behind me before leaning on it. he pinched the bridge of his nose while cursing under his breath god fucking damn it. he growled before looking up at us questions? he asked what the hell did he turn into?! weiss screamed thats the wrong question he said smirking who was that women? blake asked wrong question your not gonna tell us anything are you? yang asked i looked over at her seeing tai had her tied up with rope i will but only if you ask the right questions. he said we asked the only questions that matter! she yelled i looked over at alex what did he mean about that women looking like his wife? i asked he snapped his fingers thats the right question. he said smirking she was a truly lovely women raven loved her with all of his now dead heart he did anything she wanted he was willing to give up everything he had for her. but that was before the incident. he said sighing i met her probably four years before the incident back then raven was the kindest gentlest person you would ever meet but that all changed when he and his wife found out they were having a child raven couldn't of been happier he was grateful so he decided being the nice person he was he gave every servant the week off i was the only one who stayed. he sighed again before looking down unfortunately his gratefulness was his downfall a small army had surrounded the mansion and considering me and raven were caring for his wife at the time their was no one to stop them they marched into his home and took us by surprise me and him were the first ones knocked out they.... he paused before looking back up at us with sorrow in his eyes they did awful things to ravens wife they left her dying in the center of the house as they set the fires to burn it down we woke up just as the fire had almost caught all the house on fire we tried to save her we truly did but we were to late the last words she said to raven were fear not my love for this is not the last time we shall meet after all we always have the next life. she however was not aware of the fact that raven was immortal raven would never see his beloved again the woman he cherished above all else was gone. neither of us could move after all neither of us would leave without her so we stayed with her and as the flames licked our flesh we sat there as raven bawled his eyes out alas that was when the last few shreds of ravens humanity was crushed beyond repair. its a true shame that was when we rebuilt ravens home here in this rip in time its exactly the same as it was. now does anyone else know another question worth asking? alex asked why does raven just seem so odd. i asked another correct answer from ben. he said smirking raven has a severely fractured psyche hes been hurt by family friends loved ones so his mind broke itself to protect it thus creating alternate personality's in his head the first thing that was broken was his intelligence the part of him that knew that he couldn't trust people then his anger was broken his pure hatred for humanity and its sins and finally his memory like he said has killed more people than you could ever know. without these key pieces of his mind he lost all emotion and without that piece of his mind that knew not to trust people he lost the concept of understanding humans. what do you mean? i asked he physically can't understand human emotions friendship, love, family and any other emotion you could think of. and when he doesn't understand something it usually leads to one of his breaks. alex said sighing breaks? yang asked the form you saw him take is what happens when he has a break i suppose the easiest way to explain it would be to say he had a complete  mental breakdown after all im sure that dinner brought back bad memory's a woman who looks like his wife the exact home she died in an attempted assassination this almost exactly like that night frankly im surprised he hasn't ripped the mansion to shreds yet. he said as a massive explosion went off there it is. alex said any one know the other one question you need to ask? he asked everyone looked at me what did raven mean when he said he was an experiment? i asked alex clapped his hands bravo ben you figured out all the question that should have been asked and know onto my favorite subject where raven comes from! alex yelled as another explosion went off like he said hes not human an angel or a demon he's an experiment which is where the immortality comes from along with the form he took. he was created by Aldia Scholar of the first sin raven is a mix of genetics the tail comes from a fox the ears and snout are from a wolf the wings and spikes on his tail are by far one of the most interesting they come from the genes of an everlasting dragon beast of long ago after all any dragon you could find now is a drake. he said real dragons were covered in fur and had four wings not two. but by far the most interesting is where the height he had comes from that is from the very genes of a god but i suppose they were still humans after all when the world is first formed i you find a soul that grants massive amounts of power are you a god. he said smiling who the hell is this Aldia guy? oz asked why he helped king crow found the kingdom of drangleic so he was allowed to come here to yharnam where he founded this kingdom in the name of crow as well but he was given the right to rule so he built his castle where he started the experiments with raven being the first and only successful experiment raven was created to be the ultimate life form nothing can harm him as he said he had been broken and put back together more times than anyone could count he was put through everything that could kill him over and over until Aldia made him invincible to it he is literally unkillable he's been alive long enough to become a legend then fade entirely from history only to be rediscovered once again. alex said as another explosion went off and a deep distorted laugh was heard from everywhere raven hasn't brought the whole mansion crumbling down on us yet so thats good i see your mind now its slipping faster kill or be killed  the only thing that matters. a voice sung inside my head i didn't say anything now qrow tai ben oz come on we have got to calm down raven before he brings the roof down on us. alex said as another explosion was heard right i said as alex opened the door i rushed out seeing that walls had been broken down there were fires spreading it just didn't look good in general i rushed forwards jumping over the railing i landed on my feet before rushing through one of the massive holes in the walls i don't know why but i knew he was down their i completely ignored my friends yelling for me to stop i then heard the voice in my head again when you reach raven sing exactly what i tell you its the only way to calm him down. not having any other idea i just figured i would i reached the room he was in seeing raven swing his scythe at alice only for her to dodge why won't you just DIE!!!! raven shouted raven i yelled he looked over at me and i started singing what the voice said (PLAY SONG NOW) now this is genocide the monster inside the voices in your head they're telling you to wash away the crimson stains to leave us all for dead i know away that you can cut every last tie. the friends you made how could you watch all of them die and every world that you destroy will burn as you plan. i sung as his attack against alice seemed to get slower and sloppier and in the end they're gonna fall and fall to your hand i see your mind and now its slipping faster kill or be killed the only thing that matters across the land all of their ashes scatter who's the monster now. raven stopped swinging his scythe and looked at me now this is genocide the monster inside the voices in your head they're telling you to wash away the crimson stains to leave us all for dead no one told you there's no going back for once you attack there's no way to prevent every single drop of blood you spill will stain its real. i sung as he dropped to his knees in front of me i looked over at alice telling her to leave now she ran i also heard the others stop behind me for death is permanent you're just a monster and now you're just a monster and i can see it in your smile and in your eyes there's no compassion no there's nothing left inside over and over no you're never satisfied. i sung as he started getting smaller and his scythe melted into ash his claws got shorter made your decision now you're gonna have a bad time i see your mind and now its slipping faster kill or be killed the only thing that matters across the lands all of their ashes scatter who's the monster now. i sung as his face changed back to normal and the fur disappeared leaving the regular raven. now this is genocide the monster inside the voices in your head they're telling you to wash away the crimson stains to leave us all for dead no one told you there's no going back for once you attack there's no way to prevent every single drop of blood you spill will stain its real for death is permanent you're just a monster and now you're just a monster and now you're just a monster. i finished singing as raven hugged me thank you alex. he said before passing out falling forwards i looked over twords the others your late i said. grabbing the back of ravens jacket managing to pull him to his feet i walked over to alex here you go i said pushing raven twords him he caught him easily come along master lets get you into bed. alex said walking away i looked back over at the others just in time to grab a fist that was aimed at my face i threw who ever tried to hit me into the wall seeing it was qrow that hurt. he groaned well its you fault. i said if you would have just listened and waited for us i wouldn't have tried to hit you. he groaned pulling himself out of the wall i growled lowly listen here qrow i may not seem like it but i can fucking take care of myself just fine i don't need your help advice or what ever you have to offer im completely capable of defending myself i had no one looking out for me when i was a kid so i don't need someone now after all i got quite the gift from raven earlier so just look out for yourselves.

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