project pasta

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project alpha niner charley - MISSING DATA code name creepypasta is a black ops project run out of an orphanage in the middle of nowhere the atlas military has been conducting this program for years children ages 6 to 8 are taken and reprogrammed into highly trained killing machines they are then forced into highly experimental medical treatments. as of now there are 5 members off project pasta.


Issac Clarke code name JEFF the killer.

skills include hand to hand, stealth, sniper combat, and much more.

medical experiment performed on him was based off an old technology from long before the kingdoms were formed a seemingly alien suit was bonded to his skin making it irremovable the suit seemed to alter his personality turning him into an unfeeling killer his skin also turned a very pale white almost as if it had been bleached. he seems to harbor a deep hatred for this program and its scientists he would have gone rouge had it not been for a 7 year old boy Alex Mason. we have had to threaten harming the boy to keep him in line. he went a little crazy when he first started working for the program burned his eyelids out said he couldn't sleep that it'd get him. he somehow survived this incident when asked who it was he responded with the darkness it was then diagnosed that when his mind had be altered the scientist made a mistake they had to alter his mind a bit more and we had to give him two fake eyes so he had eyelids his eyes ended up being red with black pupils. from this event he has burned two black circles around his eyes these could not be fixed without high risks.


Alice Anderson code name JANE the killer.

skills include stealth, knife combat, infiltration and more.

medical experiment performed on her was giving her a shot designed to drive her insane and she was then left in a cell alone for one year. the shot exceeded expectations but also had the same affect as jeff's suit will need to study later. the second she came into contact with anyone she became extremely violent. she met Jeff 1 week after she first killed a scientist he seemed to keep her sane she has clung to him since then as if she would die if he wasn't in the room with her. she has gotten better but still tries to stay as close to jeff as possible. (she seems obsessed with him. Keep A Watch On Her)


Michael Rose code name Ben drowned.

skills include hacking electronics robotics and more.

medical experiment performed on him was a great advance in technology his conscious was removed from his body and uploaded to an online server giving him almost complete control over electronics and technology. his control over technology allowed him access to a 3d printer letting him build his own body.


Jack Manson code name eyeless jack.

skills include very high IQ, advanced medical training, and he is very precise with a scalpel.

medical experiment performed on him was having his eyes removed and given a shot to enhance his other senses to a very high degree it worked better than expected with a few side effects his skin turned a dark grey color his teeth sharpened and he has since then had a craving for human kidneys and only kidneys. (it has been hard to keep a stock of them.)


Julian Michael's code name laughing jack

skills include manipulation, stealth, torture, and more.

medical experiment on him seemed to involve magic thats all i know.


the project is going well according to the scientists reports.


project creepypasta is a failure everything has been destroyed all members of the project are dead the reactor powering the complex was sent into critical level when all four cooling rods were exploded a fire started killing everyone inside including all members of he program except one jeff is the one suspected of starting the fire and his body and suit were not found in the rubble i assume he started the fire to get Alex to safety Alex died in the fire along with twelve other children. the ash from the flames caused the field of roses around the building to be stained black. im shutting the project down permanently.


Issac is still on the loose as a contract killer everything left over from project creepypasta has either been destroyed or cannot be found Jeff is still on the loose i plan on giving up the search for him its just got more of my men killed. i pray for him hope he finds something in this world to care about. this update should be the last thing ever added to this file. i finish this by saying i should have never started this program this is General James Ironwood signing off God help me.

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