Part 5 your last names not Vincent right?

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i do not own Doritos lots of different pov's more than ive ever done some sexual actions but no actual sex as of yet

raven's pov

i walked twords a round glass tube as alex walked over to another one we each laid down in the tubes before they closed as small robotic arms stuck iv's in us all over our bodies before starting to inject a purple liquid into us the tubes started filling with a blue liquid i looked over at alex as he looked at me we nodded our heads at each other before opening our mouths letting the liquid flood into our mouths while keeping eye contact with each other metal bands clamped around our wrist and legs keeping us in place as alex struggled to get out of the tube he stopped moving about a minute later staying completely still i looked up at the ceiling as blackness started creeping along the edge of my vision. i started struggling slightly as the blackness started taking my vision away i stopped moving as my breathing stopped completely and the black completely took my vision raven you need to wake up. a voice said seeming to come from everywhere come on raven its time to start project knightfall. alex voice said i heard my heart start beating again i lunged forwards hacking and coughing getting the air back in my lungs as i gripped the sides of another tube i looked around seeing alex sitting in a chair with a blanket wrapped around him i looked over at the other person in the room with us it was a guy with a short purple ponytail purple eyes pale skin purple shoes purple jeans a black belt a purple shirt and a small metal name tag that said Vincent. ah so your finally starting the project back up? vincent asked yeah i said finally getting all the air back in my lungs alex's body was missing its left leg and right arm. he said don't worry ive already taken care of it ive fitted alex with a bionic arm and leg and modified alex's arm ive designed two identical hand cannons that are based off the prototype abyss walker pistol you gave me ive managed to reduce the barrel size from 16in to 9in upgraded the firepower on it so it uses specially made 13mm explosive rounds which has required me to make the entire top assembly of the gun the slide where your empty shells will eject. ive also upgraded the clip size from 6 to 12 these rounds also have more destructive power than a .50 caliber sniper round. they are capable of destroying walls and blowing limbs completely off with one shot. the bullets are also made with a small amount of holy metal i managed to procure so they work great against undead vampires demons and some low ranking angels i couldn't do to much about the weight problem ive only managed to get them down to 27 pounds. he said i call them the Hellsing ARMS 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Combat Pistol or simply the Jackal. vincent said well done vincent all i left you with was the tubes our DNA samples and the weapon tech. i said well i bought a few things took some precautions and built a few other things. he said helping me to a chair before handing me a blanket i wrapped it around me. well once again thank you vincent for helping us well you did give me immortality not to mention got me out of being given the death penalty for five murders. he said they were children were they not? alex asked yes they were but that was a long time ago back when i worked at that awful pizzeria. he said brushing his left hand through his hair either way lets get you into your new suit of armor and get alex's new bionic arm installed i took care of the leg already he said walking over to a wall grabbing a black metal arm before walking over to alex bending down to one knee as alex dropped the blanket on him down to his waist this is going to hurt quite a lot. he said looking into alex eyes the wires are gonna move through out body linking to your brain so you can move it it shouldn't hurt for more than ten seconds before it good to go he said shoving it on as alex gritted his teeth before stopping as vincent moved away from him he moved the arm around now make a fist. vincent said as alex did so try activating the hidden blade. vincent said alex activated it with ease. alex's arm should be able to hack anything in the slightest. he said you remember the plan right? i asked looking at him im to enroll you in school and pretend to be your father and you to are my sons raven and alex vincent. he said you do remember the plan. i said yep know here's your clothes he said throwing me a set of purple jeans a purple t-shirt black shoes and a purple leather jacket he gave alex some black shoes black jeans a blue t-shirt and a purple duster put those on and grab your guns he said walking out of the room as we got dressed and walked over to the guns getting a good look at them one had the words Satan is Dead Now engraved on the left side and The Jackal on the other side. the other had Jesus Christ is Dead Now engraved on the right side and The Jackal on the other side, which one do you want? i asked alex he picked up the one the words The Jackal on the left i think this one is better for me i am the fallen angel. he said looking it over look at this he said showing me the bottom of the clip it had a cross engraved on it ha. i chuckled grabbing the other one it had a pentagram engraved on the bottom of the clip i stuck my pistol down the inside pocket on my jacket as alex did the same with his we walked into the room vincent went into seeing we were in an apartment living room. here vincent said throwing us each a bag those bags should each contain 6 more clips for your weapons and there should be enough pockets in your outfits to hold those. he said as i put three in one pocket in my jacket and the other three in special pockets for the clips as alex did the same. we ready to go? vincent asked i nodded then lets go i should be able to get you to the school and signed up by the time it starts. he said opening the front door as we followed him out he shut and locked the door behind him as we walked down a set of steps into the lobby of the building lets go he said walking out to the sidewalk heading left im gonna worn you now your gonna see some strange things fish people a frog man hybrids and im pretty sure i saw a demon as well he said as we reached what appeared to be a train station now if you two want you could buy a ticket or i can show you how to get on for free. vincent said id rather get on free. alex said i thought so. vincent said walking across the tracks to the boarding station as soon as we got to the top of the steps it hit me the scent of a demon i looked around before spotting him he was as tall as me he had gold hair an eye patch over his right eye a gold eye he was wearing black shoes black dress pants black gloves a white undershirt and a gold tail coat with a brick pattern and he had a black cane. i looked over at alex who had been looking at the demon as well i nudged him with my arm he looked over at me as the demon looked at us come on. i said walking over to vincent as the train doors opened standing there was a puffer fish in his underwear with a white t-shirt on and a bathrobe he had a 5 o'clock shadow and seemed drunk what do you fucks what? he asked slurring his words Kon'nichiwa. vincent said AAAAAHHHHHH the puffer fish screamed opening the door behind him before jumping out it running away screaming what did you do? i asked he's completely terrified of Japanese. he said walking on the train ALL ABOARD!!! vincent shouted opening the other door while heading into the driver's cab people started getting in the train as the demon walked by shoving me slightly he whispered you best watch who you stare at. he said standing beside me you have absolutely no idea who your messing with. he said neither do you. i said looking into his eyes bill are you coming a kid with bunny ears asked of course sam. bill the now identified demon said walking away.

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