Chapter 3: First Day

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After I got over the fact that I was pretty much scared to death, I entered the school and began looking for my first class. I walked down all the halls until I came to a room at the very end of the hall with a sign that read "Luna's History room 103." I looked through the tiny window on the door and saw a single student, but there wasn't even a teacher there. I thought that maybe the teacher was already there and allowed that student to go in early, so I decided to go in as well. When I walked in the student in the room seemed to have been startled by the door opening. I said, "I'm so sorry i didn't mean to startle you. By the way I'm Marionette." She started talking with a timid voice and said, "Oh it's okay. I thought it was a teacher coming and I didn't know if I was allowed to be in here this early and my name is Storm." I was so confused because I thought she asked a teacher if she could be in here early. "Wait! You didn't ask to be in here!" I said very upset because I didn't want to get in trouble on my first day of school. I was not getting in trouble for being early on my first day of Luna Academy. After about five minutes of complete silence the teacher came in and was shocked when she saw two students sitting in the front row of the classroom waiting for class to begin. She said her name was Mrs. Henning and that she was a substitute for Mr. Lei since his children were very ill today. Mrs. Henning went over to the front desk and asked us what our names were so she could start attendance since everyone was starting to walk in. Storm said still seeming timid, "I'm Storm and this is Marionette." After everyone else arrived and Mrs. Henning took attendance class began. After an hour of Luna's History the bell rang throughout the halls telling everyone that class was over and that everyone had five minutes to get to their next class. It turned out that Storm and I had all our classes together except for homeroom and tenth period which was our specials class. I had art all year for my specials class which I was so excited about and my homeroom was Mrs. buds. Storm ended up having music and cooking as her specials classes and her homeroom was Mr. Lei. To be honest I was so excited to have art all year, but I wanted to have Storm in all my classes. 

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