Mixed Feelings part 1 {32}

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Third person's pov:

Tim walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a girl about Toby's height. "Well look who finally came back home, how's your leg?" Tim seemed confused at the question, he had never seen this girl yet she knew about him breaking his leg.

"Yeah, it's better than I expected," Tim paused for a second, " And yeah, I'm back from my trip." Maria turned off the stove and placed the food she had cooked in a plate, putting it on the counter. Reaching into the fridge she pulled out a severed arm and started to skin it. This of course startled Tim and made him think he should choose his words carefully. "I presume you're wondering how I know you and why you don't know me?" Tim nodded. "Well, when toby pushed you down the stairs I got called downstairs to fix your leg. I took a marrow sample and made a small cement like paste and aligned your bone so you'd be able to walk properly. I hope you were keeping the wound clean or else I'll need to tell smiley to amputate it. Toby was really sorry and was worried you wouldn't be able to work anymore. Now we're all worried about Toby." Maria was bothered by the fact that such a sweet kid got into so much trouble in so little time. She had only known him for a few days but she knew he wasn't a bad kid, sure a lot of people would disagree but he really wasn't.

"How did you end up here anyways and if you don't mind me asking. Is the kid yours?" tim asked, hoping the girl didn't feel offended by the last question.

"Well I lost my lover to a kidnapper, she came back one night and brought me here. When the boss got to me he knew who I was and asked if I wanted to be a doctor here. I agreed and he told me where I would work. She and I realized our time was up so we split and now she's with one of the workers here. The kid isn't mine, someone brought them in and i became a mother figure to them". Tim understood the situation, she seemed like a sweet and innocent girl but the arm told another story. Maria was placing the meat from the arm into a preheated pan and stirred it in with a mix of vegetables.

"So how did you end up as a doctor?" Tim asked as if it were a game of 20 questions.

"Funny how you don't even know my name and yet you ask such personal questions." Tim tried to take back his words but closed his mouth."My name's Maria, I'm 21. I was an advanced biomedical student and a forensics scientist at the university of denver. It occurred to the boss that it'd be a good idea to place me here as a doctor." she walked over to Tim and placed the tip of the knife to his leg, "and look at how well it went". Tim of course flinched and the action, he didn't want to be her next meal."So, want anything to eat?" she asked, her tone sweet making me feel at ease.

"Depends," Tim didn't want to eat another human being.

"If it's because of the human, I'm sorry love, I can make other things. I can make almost anything." Maria placed the food on a plate and set it on the counter, washing her hands afterwards. "What do you want me to serve you? I made cinnamon rolls, flan, cheesecake," Tim immediately perked up at the offer.

"Yes please, I adore cheesecake," Maria giggled at Tim's expression.

"It's in the second fridge, top shelf," maria sat at a stool and held the small babbling child,caressing her cheek. Meanwhile, Tim walked over to the fridge and opened it, the cheesecake had swirls of whipped cream on top, decorated by sliced strawberries and chocolate shavings, a large caramel swirl decorated the center.

"You made this?" Tim was astonished by the size and beauty of the cheesecake, it looked so well made. Taking out the tray he placed it on the counter and looked at it.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to make it in case Lui wanted some in the morning." she said as she played with the baby's small fingers.

"Who's Lui?" Maria turned towards him.

"Lui is my fiance." Tim choked on air, he thought internally. ~She isn't single~

Seeing Tim's reaction, Maria laughed and pulled down her shirt, feeding the small child. "I'm kidding, Lui is her dad" she pointed at the baby who was clinging to her chest. Tim took out a plate and served himself a slice of the cheesecake, sitting next to Maria. He tried not to look as she fed the child but he wanted to know what it was like and felt slightly jealous of the child. Then it hit him, she was pregnant. "Hey," she said, grabbing Tim's attention. "My eyes are up here dear."

"Right, sorry it's just that...." Tim froze and looked at the floor. Maria on the other hand got up and put the baby in a small portable crib. Tim stood up and turned grabbed Maria by her shoulders, spinning her around. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" before she could say anything he pressed her against the counter and pressed his lips against hers. Just as he moved back he heard heavy boots hitting the kitchen floor, just then he was picked up off the floor but a familiar someone.

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