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Carter's POV
Recap: Matt had finally returned, my lord he is a gift sent from the heavens I thought to my self but was thrown back into reality when I saw him sit next to the kid, like what the hell he's been here for a couple of hours and just thinks he can take over just like that?! Well he's going to learn very soon that I won't tolerate that.

Here we were just sitting at the squad table, well almost our squad table if only this new kid were to jump off a cliff then we would be golden. Ok I may have some anger issues but he needs to understand that Matt is mine and no one and I mean no one will take him away especially this basic ass bitch whatever his name is.

Finally the bell had rang so now I don't have to watch the new kid drool over Matt, it was disturbing to watch if I'm being honest. On the way to 5th period I saw the new kid I think is name was Caleb or some shit like that out by his locker all alone hmm maybe I should "talk to him" .

Caleb's POV
I had a fun time at lunch everyone was genuinely nice and welcoming well except for carter, I don't know what's his deal is but oh well it'll probably blow over soon. While unloading my locker for 5th period I felt as if someone was watching me, I turned around and to my surprise I saw carter a couple of feet away from me.

I was actually scared from the ominous glare he was giving so me being the dumb ass I am decided to talk to him "hi, carter was it? Nice to meet you I'm Caleb" i said as calmly as I could, without a second passing carter pushed me harshly against the cold metal that was our lockers and whispered to my ear " you better stay away from Matt or else you'll feel worse than you do right now" after he finished his sentence he punched my stomach with so much force that it caused me to collapse on the floor clenching my stomach ever so tightly, he then punched my nose dead straight I heard a crack and finally he kicked my back 2 times hard calling me a pussy as he walked away, feeling dizzy everything turned pitch black.

Matthew's POV
After lunch I told Caleb I'll be right back I had to go with Shawn to pick up my math book for 5th period, as we were both walking Shawn spoke up "hey did carter seem a little off at lunch today ? I thought about it and he did seem mad about something but I just brushed it off as carter had anger issues and was probably just pissed at another teacher. Yeah kinda do you know why? I answered back, Shawn then replied "no but he seemed just fine on the way to lunch wonder what happened.

I contemplated texting carter but brushed it off for later as I wanted to walk with Caleb to math, when I said bye to Shawn I searched for Caleb until viewing his limp figure on the floor?! I ran over to him and saw that his nose was bleeding frantically and he had some dark bruises forming, carefully picking him up I took him to the nurses office not caring that the final bell rang for class my only priority was making sure Caleb was breathing and ok, whoever did this will definitely deal with me when I find out.

Caleb's POV
I had woke up not knowing the room I was in, my anxiety was about to sky rocket when I felt big hands on my own I saw who they belonged too and was overcome with joy it was Matt. "Hey Caleb how do you feel? I saw you on the floor unconscious and I panicked I'm sorry I didn't protect you I could of... just then I shut him up by hugging him and taking in his scent hopefully he didn't notice,  he then automatically hugged back and stayed silent.

It's ok, you didn't know but Thank you for bringing me to the nurses office I giggled, no problem Matt said, do you remember who hit you ? Matt questioned starting to get a little mad at the thought I guess, I seriously considered exposing carter but I doubt Matt would believe me considering they've been friends since they were kids and we just met so I guess I'll have to lie, no I was just attacked from behind I guess not everyone likes the new kid I giggled again trying to make light of the situation, he just chuckled and said "I'm going to find out who did this I swear" he said holding my hands! I felt butterflies when he said that cliché as that sounds but it was true I think I like Matthew Espinosa.

A/n: hey guys sorry I took awhile to update I had many things to take care of but I'm back hopefully I'll be updating more often I'm going to try my best. Love all you guys! 😊

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