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Naruto P.O.V

"Menma are you alright?" I asked Menma who had suddenly jumped on my back hugging me, well more like squashing me.

"More than fine know that I know who you really are," Menma said. I sighed.

"Please don go all mushy on me. Oh, and can you not tell our parents?" I asked. I could tell he raised an eyebrow. 

"Why?" He asked suspiciously. I grinned evilly.

"Surprise for the chuunin exams, don't you agree?" I asked. He seemed to nod seeing as it was just a harmless prank. For the rest of the afternoon, we got to know each other.

"So let me get this straight you knew yo were my brother all along?" Menma asked. I nodded grinning. 

"I also have the ten tails sealed in me," I said and he fell over backwards. I looked over the table in my room and sweat dropped. He had fainted. 

"Can someone get me a bucket of ice cold water!" I yell out my door and within minutes someone comes. I take the bucket and thank them. I walk over to Menma and tip the bucket over his head and he shoots up drenched in freezing cold water. He slightly glares at me while I laugh on the ground.

"OK so how do you have the ten tails and got any proof?" Menma asks and I nod. I show him my back that shows a phoenix with ten fiery tails with symbols down the body of the phoenix. I heard Menma gasp. I then pull my shirt down.

"After Mum and Dad sealed the nin-tails into you, you three were rushed to hospital nobody noticing me in the rubble. Then a man by the name of Madara and the ten tails find me, Madara seals himself and the ten tails into me and have been guiding and training me all my life," I said in it's simplest form so that we aren't sitting here for all hours. He nods and then I notice the time. 

"You should be getting back now. Remember no telling anyone got it!" I say. He grins and nods again.

"See ya tomorrow brother," He says and leaves. I smile then I hear a knock on the door. I groaned and got up.

"Yes?" I ask opening the door only to be faced with the head of the orphanage. I let her in and we sit down.

"So now that you are genin you get the choice of leaving or running this house as part time," She said. We by no means have a bad relations ship. She actually usually relies on me running the whole orphanage when she isn't here and all of the staff trusts me. I grinned at her.

"I go part time. I rather have a bed to sleep on," I said and she smiled at me. I smiled back and she ruffled my hair. 

"Welcome to the staff then," She says. I grin as she leaves. All the kids in the house were anxiously waiting to hear what I had chosen. I poked my head out the door and looked at the back of the orphanage ladies back. I grinned at the kids. 

"I'm staying, so wipe away those tears," I say and they start cheering. I'm then dive bombed by about 15 crying kids. I laughed a bit as they got off. 

"A special dinner because Naru-nii is staying!" Some of the kids shout and the other agreed. I just laughed at this.

After dinner I sent the kids to bed and went to bed myself seeing as I have team placements tomorrow. 

Next Day

I got up and dressed. When I was done the kids were waking up. I split them into three groups of 5 and sent them to do some things for the day.

5 - on the gardens 
5 - doing house chores
5 - out shopping

After assigning groups, I left for the academy knowing that they will be safe doing those jobs since the 5 eldest on shopping next 5 on the garden and least 5 on chores. Since they are all over the age of 5 it fine to get them doing those jobs.

When I entered I saw Mum and Dad. I slightly bowed when I walked past them. I then went to the classroom and sat down. The only other person here was Sasuke, who seemed surprised that I was here this early since he probably only just got here. Menma was in his usual spot and staring out the window. 

"Hey teme and emo why are you two always so quiet?" Menma asked us. Menma has many names for me and Sasuke, his favorites are 'teme' for Sasuke and 'emo' for me.

"Hn" was Sasuke's answer.

"Hm" was mine. Sasuke and I exchanged a glance and I could tell he was thinking.

'We're very much alike, I wonder if we could be friends after I deal with my brother,' I also hope to be friends because I have the slightest crush on him but I'm not like his fangirls. Never in a million years would I act like that.

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