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The next day
Naruto P.O.V

As I was walking to the training ground people just ignored me like usual. Ever since I was found in the rubble at the Kyuubi battlefield after Madara and Shobo-shi sealed themselves in me everyone avoided me like the plague thinking I'm some sort of curse or demon born from carnage because I was found on the battlefield of a demon.

Of course, the orphanage that actually took me in when I was 6 didn't think like that. I had been moving from orphanage to orphanage for those first 6 years of my life. It sucked that I was moving all the time, that's why I'm in debt to the owner of the orphanage for looking through the cloud of lies that always follows me.

Of course, my brother has no idea about this and I plan on never telling him. The villagers have attempted to kill me but that doesn't work because I live in the orphanage surrounded by kids. For the first two years at the orphanage I'm at they would always have one of the older kids that is no longer there looking after me.

It worked and the villagers never tried anything again. Even though I know they hate me for no good reason I just shrug it off as if it is nothing because it is nothing and I won't even lie about that. Of course, the villagers can no longer hurt me because I'm a fully regestered ninja now I always see there glares.

I reached the training ground and saw I was the first on there. I shrugged again and just walked up a tree and sat down on a brach and waited for the others to get here. I waited 10 minutes for someone to come and someone did, it was Sasuke. He just nodded at me and sat under the tree I'm in and started reading a scroll.

I got out my own scroll and started reading. It was a seal Madara wanted me to learn and of course he would know if I didn't learn it and then I would get punished and I never want to go through one of his punishments again. I still have scars from the last time I had to do one of his punishments, then again that wasn't too long ago. 

'Naruto you better be learning that seal or I'm going to have a lot of fun punishing you again' I heard Madara say in my head. They usually don't talk when I'm around people. I jumped slightly hearing his voice. 

'Madara leave Naru alone. You know that he is working on that seal,' Shobo-shi said. I nearly fell of my branch but I caught myself before I could fall head first. 

'Why are you two talking to me? I'm in public and you just embarrassed me in front of my crush' I said. Sasuke and I were still the only two here because we are probably early rises and don't need to spend so much time on our hair. Sasuke looked at me in amusement I was still hanging onto the tree. 

"If I told you why I fell you would think I had gone completely insane," I said. It was true if I told him that two voices in my head were talking to me he would think I went insane.

"Oh really? It can't be that bad, can it?" He said and I sighed. 

"Fine. Two voices in my head surprised me by talking to me and I fell," I said. He looked at me as if I was completely insane. 

"Told you so," I said. He seemed to get it after that.

"So you here voices in your head?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm even able to go into my head and see who those voices belong too," I said. I sat down on the ground because I didn't want to climb the tree again. 

'Naruto summon me. I think he might be my reigncarnation,' Madara said. I did the nessesary hand signs and bit my thomb to draw blood and then slamed my hand down and he popped up.

"Meet one of the voices," I said and Sasuke looked shocked. He had probably seen Madara in paintings in his house since Madara was one of his past heads. 

"You look fimilar," Sasuke said. I know Madara was thinking Sasuke looked like his younger brother.

"No shit, I am Madara Uchiha one of the founder of Konoha and one of the past Uchiha clan heads," Madara said in a nonchelont voice. Sasuke looked between us.

"Then how do you two know each other?" Sasuke said. I shrugged, Madara and Shobo-shi had necer really told me how or why they sealed themselves in me. 

"Ask him, his never  told me," I said. At this I could see Sakura approaching the training ground.

"Screaming banshee alert," I said and pointed at were she was approaching from. Sasuke went wide eyes. Madara pulled the two of us into the forest so that we could talk or that's what he said when I asked why he was dragging us into the forest. 

Once we stopped in a clearing he finally let us go and we dropped to the ground. We both scouled at him for doing that. It must have looked funny to him because he chuckled at us and we calmed down. 

"So what do you want to talk about?" Sasuke asked from where he was standing next to me.I nodded also wanting to know why I was dragged out here.

"Well Sasuke, I want to train you because you are my reincarnation so I want to train you like I have been doing with Naruto," Madara said. 

"Then why did you drag me out here?" I asked slightly worried. He just smirked at the both of us. 

"I brought you so that you can finally confess or I'll make you," He said still with that smirk. I scoled at him.

"You just love to make my life a living nightmare, don't you?" I said still scoling at Madara.

"Confess what?" Sasuke asked and I instantly froze. I had forgot he was still here.

"Say it Naruto or I say it for you and make it worse," Madara said. I just glared at him. I knew he would say it and I knew he wasn't bluffing.

"Well you see Sasuke I might have a crush on you," I said looking away. I just felt him look at me in shock. 

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