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Naruto P.O.V

"GO!" Yelled Kakashi-sensei. I jumped back into the bushes and hid my presence. 

'Time to finally test out your skills on someone new,' Madara said in my head I just gave a curt nod.

'Be careful Naruto, know that this is Kakashi Hatake or otherwise known as sharingun Kakashi,' Shobo-shi warned.

'Got it, thanks for the warning,' I reply watching Menma attack Kakashi head on being the idiot everyone knows him to be. I sigh as Menma completely fails at trying to get one of the bells. 

I saw Kakashi-sensei go after Sasuke. I followed him to Sasuke and watched their battle. As Kakashi finished Sasuke off by using his head hunter jutsu and left I came out of hiding and helped Sasuke out as we heard Sakura scream bloody murder.

Sasuke and I looked at each other and raced to where we heard Sakura scream. We saw Kakashi-sensei walking away ad attacked him as a perfect team. I managed to get two of the three bells before Kakashi-sensei teleported out of there.

"Um.... Sasuke," I say holding the two bells in hand.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked. I threw him one of the bells and he looked at it in shock then gave me a small smile.

"I guess this means we pass," I say with a loop sided grin obviously shocking sensei as he was hiding in the trees not too far away from where we stood.

"Just who are you Naruto?" Kakashi said showing up. Sasuke and I both look at him with amusement in our eyes but otherwise had poker faces.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask.

"You just acted like Menma, your face is so familiar to Minato-sensei's it's uncanny, you have the same shade of purple eyes as Lady Kushina, and lastly you share a name with Minato-sensei's and Lady Kushina's lost son," sensei says. A smirk graced my face.

"And why do you think that is? It can't just be a coincidence, can it? I mean I DO have black hair," I say and sensei looks at me in a new light. 

"You can't be......" Kakashi-sensei said with wide eyes.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! You got it right I'm Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, your the third to find out who I am," I say with a grin as Sasuke hits me over the head.

"Don't be an idiot and turn into your brother," Sasuke said with a bored expression.

"Wait you knew Sasuke? And third? Who was first and second?" Kakashi asked.

"Yep he knew since two days ago, yes you were third to find out, first went to Menma and second went to Sasuke," I say with a grin while resting my arm on Sasuke's should and leaning on him, not that he minded.

"No telling them, though, I want it to be a surprise for the chuunin exams," I say dead serious probably making Kakashi-sensei think of my father. Kakashi-sensei nodded and I knew he had the slightest grin on his face, even if he had that damned mask on.

"Fair enough I'll keep it a secret," sensei said and I grinned. 

"You should go......." I couldn't finish my sentence as we heard the alarm go off.

"Back to the three poles," I finish with a sigh. I spin on my heel and start walking back to the poles with sensei and Sasuke. As we get there Sakura and Menma emerge from each side of the clearing. Sasuke and I held up our bells and the other two's jaws went slack.

"HOW DID THEY PASS?!" Menma shouted and Sakura punched him in the head.

"MENMA BAKA DON'T YOU DARE DOUBT NARUTO-KUN AND SASUKE-KUN EVER AGAIN OF I SWEAR!!" Sakura yelled at Menma. Sasuke and I just covered our ears to make sure that the two loudmouths didn't break our ears.

After Sakura and Menma stopped fighting they were tied to the stumps and were forced to watch me and Sasuke eat our lunch. Sensei said he would give them another chance at trying to be a team.

He also told Sasuke and I not to feed them. I took another bite of food as Menma's and Sakura's stomach's grumbled hungrely. Sasuke and I sigh and offer our food to the two of them. 

Lighting and thunder sounded and Kakashi-sensei appeared angry, probably trying to scare us.

"YOU........... Pass," Kakashi-sensei said confusing us, we had expected a lecture, not this.

"We pass?" Menma asked. 

"Yes, Naruto and Sasuke had been instructed not to feed you and Sakura but when they heard how hungry you were, their teammates, they offered up their food," Kakashi said eye smiling. Us genin smiled or smirked at each other.

I untied Sakura and Menma making them relieved. I stretched as I started my long walk to the orphanage. As I walked I got a look of glares from the villagers but didn't give two shits about those glares. 

I could feel eyes on me and they weren't the fangirls stares. Whoever was staring at me was much more powerful than those idiotic fangirls. I turned to the person staring and came eye to eye with the Hokage. 

Just why was he staring at me? Did he figure out who I am? No, he can't off, could he have?

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