Chapter 3

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Ok i need to make a mental note to go back to that pack and beat the shirt out of those wolves, why you may ask, well its because the ass hole stepped in shit before he got to us but didnt notice because he was so horny so when he cut me it got infected and now its gonna take a long time to heal, another down side? Ive lost a lot of blood.

If only i could find a place for us to stay for the night i would be good but there is no free land around here! If i land its only a matter of minutes till wolves around us can smell us. If i keep flying ill keep losing blood. I look down at my side that im covering with my hand

"How much longer Alex?" Echo mutter near my ear as she lays her head on my back showing she's tired

"Maybe 8 hours to another day if we keep moving," i look around then at my wound and sigh

Maybe we'll have to stay at a humans house for the night. As i look around i notice were passing over a small town. I keep flying till were at the outer scuts of the town and see a lone house that has farming land all around it. I bring us in to land and when i do i put Echo down and almost collapse

"Alex? Whats going on?" Echo takes off her head phones then looks my way and gasps, "Alex! Your injured!"

"Ill be fine........i just need a night to rest"

Before i could say or do anything else Echo runs to the house i landed near. I try to walk after her but my legs give out and i fall to the ground. When i look up to see Echo i see her running to me with a few people behind her but everything is getting blurry so i couldnt see them too well. Right before i blacked out i felt someone fold my wings up for me and roll me over to my back then picks me up, then im out


I slowly open my eyes and see the room is dark bit small nits of light are coming threw the curtains that are closed. I slowly sit up and quickly look down at my side to see its fully healed now but a bloody bandage was around it so i guess they cleaned it up before it healed. Hmm i wonder how long i was out, wait, where am i? And where is Echo!?

I quickly get out of bed and run out of the room and out of the house then run into a wall and fall onto my butt. Groaning a bit i slowly sit up and look at the wall i hit and see a big fury purple man mutant. He only had shorts on and and as he turned to look at me (i ran into his back) i see his chest and abs have less fur but still had some. His nails were long and his teeth sharp, eyes like a human but showed tons of emotions

"Alex! Your awake!!" my head snaps to the sound of Echo who tackles into me the next moment

"Ow.......again" i mutter more to myself

"You slept all night and i was so scared you would die but Rex said you started to heal while he was bandaging you up," she sits up on me, straddling my stomach, as she talks with a big smile

"Your lucky um gay you know that?" i smirk at her as her face turns into a tomato once she realizes what position were in

She quickly gets off me and hides her face in her hands. I chuckle and slowly get up and look around to see a human women walking over with a baby in her arms. The baby was purple and had a long arrow tail like mine.

"Hi there, now do you feel?" the women asks once she gets to the purple man

"Better, sorry for causing you guys any trouble,"

"It was no trouble at all," the purple man smiles and holds out it hand to me, "Im Rex, a vet."

"Alex...........a helper?" i shake his hand while i try and think of the word that describes what i do

"Echo told me. Its amazing what you do," he smiles more at me, "Do you have any advise for a teleporting baby?"

I look over at the baby who has disappeared, "Oh! Well that is a new one, hmm this could be a fun challenge" i look around then see the baby behind me trying to grab my tail which i move out of the way making her giggles and try to get it again, "All you can probably do is punish her if for teleporting till she learns not to teleport all the time"

I move my tail again right before she grabs it then i wrap around her and bring her to me and hold her unfolding my wings making her look up at them and reach out. I wrap my wings around us a bit so she can feel them which she does and giggles more as she pets them

"Wow, she's normally never this calm around strangers," the women says shocked

"Well im guessing she likes animals and since im have animal parts she likes me," i smile at her and flap my wings a bit making her gasp then squeal in excitement

I keep playing with the baby for about an hour till she passes out then i hand her back to her mother, "She is beautiful, i cant wait to have a few of my own,"

"I told you he was a mate!" Rex whisper/yells as he does a victory dance

"Whatever, anyway we have your things inside so if you want you can stay will after lunch,"

"Sure, we could say a little longer but we have to get going right after lunch. But i want to go ahead and thank you for helping us out like you guys did," i smile at them to show i really am thankful


After lunch Echo and i sigh happily and at how full we are. They can cook super good and they even refilled our bag of food and gave is some medical stuff incase we get hurt again

"Thank you for everything, again," i smile broadly at them along with Echo

"No problem, just promise you'll visit us again ok?"

"Yes ma'am, we'll be sure to visit when we go back home," i smile at them then get Echo on my back and grab our bags with my tail

"Have a safe trip and try not to get hurt again mister, you gotta be careful, you gotta make sure no males take advantage of her," Rex tells me as he looks at Echo

"Trust me i know, even if i have a gash on my side ill still protect her," i smile at him then open up and wing and do a strong flap and go into the air, "See you guys in a few days, maybe weeks!"

They wave goodbye as i fly off with Echo. As i fly i feel Echo relax on my back and soon falls asleep on me so i had to fly a bit slower so she doesnt fall off.

The further i flew the more trees i see and no houses at all. I loved watching the trees as i flew, i felt so free and so calm. Nothing could make me worry when im up in the air. The wind hitting my wings sending air under and over them. It almost makes me feel like i can control the wind, no, like the wind is helping me.

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