Chapter 15

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That night Drake came home and went straight to a guest room. I wasn't sure if he was mad at me or just giving me space but it kinda hurt that he didnt even look at me. Thankfully Nightmare was there to comfort me and tell me everything was going to be ok.

After it got dark i finally went up to bed and tried to sleep while Nightmare cuddled up around my in his dragon from but it wasnt the same as my mate. I sigh heavily before closing my eyes and sleep slowly takes over


"Master wake up........" i hear Nightmare whisper to me then i slowly open my eyes and look around to see Nightmare smiling at me

"What us it Night?" my eyes were droopy and fighting to close again

"Look," he motions with his head to the floor

I slowly sit up and look at the floor to see rose peddles going in a line from the bed under door and leading to who knows where. My curiosity gets the better of me and i find myself get up and following the trail not caring that im in my pjs, which is one of Drake's shirts and some booty shorts. The trail of rose peddles leads down the stairs, out the back door, into the woods, then finally to a clearing that has a waterfall. In front of the waterfall was a small table with two seats, a plate of food that was covered, a candle in the middle, and the lining of the trees were covered in hand drawing of me, either sleeping or laughing or eating, hell there was one of me in the bath but with bubbles and the bubbles were covering my man parts

"I know i can be an ass but its only because im scared to loss you," i turn when i hear Drake and see him standing behind me with a soft look on his face, "I never told you but when i was younger before i became alpha a healer in training fell in love with me but when i refused to return for feeling or do anything with her she became a witch and said she would cuss me by hurting my mate and pups........"

"Sweetie......" i go over to him and pull him into a tight hug which he returns, "Im sorry for not telling you where i was, im still not used to someone caring so much over me and not being alone. And i promise from now on if you try to talk to me threw mind link ill open up and ill try to be less reckless"

"Your not reckless," he kisses my head then smiles at me, "Your you, now lets eat before it gets cold also before you ask i tried to cook at my mom's but i caught her kitchen on fire so she kicked me out and cooked this meal,"

"Aww, well i guess its a good thing i can cook then," i smile at him and lightly kiss his lips making him smile

"Lets eat before the food gets cold then we can take a dip in the water," he kept a clean honest smile on his face but in my mind im already ready to get my brains fucked out of me

Drake pulls my seat out for me then he's sits and we dig into our food, which was eggs, toast, sausage, and bacon. After we finished we both stripped and got into the water, to my surprise he didnt try anything sexual at all so i did. I came over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck along with my legs making our cocks rub against each other making us both moan.

"Damn it baby, i was trying to keep this evening clean till later.............though if i tried to ignore your grinding i think my wolf would rip my head off for refusing you sex," he looks at me with lust full eyes

"You know i did some research recently, about mutant and alpha mating. Apparently some mutants cant conserve the first time when your mate is holding there wolf down during sex. I was thinking maybe this time you let your wolf take over and well see if that gets me pregnant," i look him dead in the eyes the whole time showing i wanted his kids and that i was trying

"Hmm, well if your ok with it then im more then happy to comply," he kisses me sweetly

"Im ok with it," i pull my wings and tail into my body knowing his wolf will not hold back and i dont want my tail or wings getting in the way or getting hurt

"Just know you probably wont be walking for a good long while," he smirks at me then closes his eyes and when he opens them again but this time his eyes are gold and his nails grow a bit

I knew this was gonna be a long day so i did everything he asked, i wont go into detail about it so lets just say i was in so much pleasure, and a little pain, that once he was finished i blacked out, and im pretty sure my ass was bleeding a little but i didnt care.


The next time i woke up i was in bed and i was snuggled up to a chest. When i sniff the person i smell my Drake making me smile and rub my face in his chest

"Mm morning baby, how do you feel?" his voice was full of sleep meaning he just woke up

"Sore, numb, but good," i look up at him and smile happily

"My dick hurt along with my balls......." he smiles at me, "So your not alone, my wolf really didnt hold back."

"Mm i enjoyed it though, thats not happening all the time, but every now and then i think i could go for another round with your wolf," i reach up and kiss him lightly

"My wolf says he loves that idea but even he is tired which is saying something," he laughs loudly making me laugh too

"Im glad we made up," i say with a loving smile as i snuggle up more to my mate, "I hated sleeping without you and i didn't like not cooking for us both,"

"I missed your cooking too, i mean i tried to make a sandwich and even that tased bad so i just went to my mom's and she cooked for me," i snack his chest making my chuckle and hug me, "Im joking, i couldnt sleep without you in my arms, and even my mom's food didnt taste as good as yours,"

We lay in bed for a long time just cuddling and enjoying each others company. I have to say even though i know im gonna have to rely on him to do everything for a while i cant wait to take care of him again. Maybe this time ill get pregnant and he will take care of me, hopefully

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