La Nina: A Dream of Love (OneShot)

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As it is, even future soldiers in training, have a normal high-school life.

Well, sort of.

4 December x016

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4 December x016

It was a beautiful, sunny day. The students were all celebrating the Annual Culture Fest. I oversaw the celebrations, making sure nothing went overboard. The four golden stripes adorned my shoulder, and the Prefect's badge shone against the navy blue uniform.

The V_Institute was on a mountain, the tallest in the Western Veraise range. There was the amphitheatre, decked in blue, yellow and red. The clubs were arranging their little stalls on each step, which fortunately, was wide enough for both the row of stalls facing each other to have a walkway. The sports section of the V_Institute was busy getting the athletic tracks and grounds ready. My ears were at attention; there was always the risk of wolves. Just last year, we'd lost two students to the pack of wolves on the nearby forested area. But we could never go in to retrieve them, it was a reserved forest.

This year, I was determined to let no such incidents happen. It was my first year as a Prefect, and till now, I hadn't been of much use. My only strength was brute force, and a few witty tricks. The least I could do as a member of the Student Council was to protect the others. There were some howls. I jumped, and ran to the direction of what I thought was trouble. The cliff, down which was the sports arena, was packed with students; the big, bad boys of Athletics division B had built a mudslide into what, till yesterday, had been the swimming pool. I jumped down the cliff, landing on the stair railing and sliding down with ease.

"Ahem. Well, well. What do we have here? Haven't you been informed by the Headmaster, that no such stunts are allowed? If one of you were to break a finger, your parents would come here to yell at us for negligence!"

"Aww, Cap, come on!" Simmonds, the gang leader, gave me a puppy face. I surveyed the culprits. I admit I was shocked to see Hoerlit among them. Hoerlit was the Head Boy, and supposed to be supervising  the sports department, not encouraging the boys in their wild ideas!

"I assure you, Weilder, this is perfectly safe. It is a day for fun and festivity, so let them have their way. I vouch for them."

"Fine. Don't back out on this, you corrupt, sly puffy!!! And, just in case, I have the whole thing on record." 'Puffy' was the worst insult I could bestow upon a fellow Student Council member. I brandished my PDA. Hoerlit bowed classically.

"I know you have, you cyborg. And, thanks for the praise." He winked. Always the manipulator, Hoerlit. He had a way with words, polite ones, that made your temper flare, and I turned on my heels and jumped back up the cliff. Had I stayed, I might have had to go to prison for murder.

The athletic tracks were being drawn, and decorated. I returned to my post, and looked around. The road spiralling up the mountain to the V_Institute was decorated with dyed straw and glitter paper. The marching band was practising for the opening ceremony. Gazing up at the V_, I saw the younger students arranging the fireworks for the evening's display. The three flagsposts: for the national flag, the V_'s navy blue and silver flag, and one to fly the colours of whichever house won the Sports Cup.....

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