Preface and Author's Note

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Hello, dear Readers.

La Nina is an experimental piece of work. It's a dream I had a few days ago. In no way do I own the story or the pictures. The title was a play on the heroine's name, as well as the fact that there are girls in the world, who are a force to be reckoned.

Credit for the story goes to God and the Sandman.

Credits to the pictures go to whoever put it in the Internet. Do, by all means, claim rights to your work. I just borrowed it. Send me a personal message, and I will add you to the credits.

WHEN I SAID I'D DEVELOP THE STORY FURTHER, ON RECEIVING COMMENTS AND VOTES, I MEANT ABOVE EIGHT VOTES. (I know, I'm not stupid, how's a rookie going to get such a large amount of responses within a short time?) But I really want to continue, so I'd thank the first eight votes with a dedication.

If you find any grammatical or semantic errors, typos, etc.... please tell me.


The story is set in the future, where children are trained from an early age, by the permission of their parents, (unless of course, they are orphans) to become Knights. They then become part of the military. The V_ is an institution that trains young Knight-aspirants and develops military grade weapons for the country. The V_'s school section with the 'normal' curriculum was established only to start the institute, then the focus was to be shifted to the cadet training section of the V_.

Nina is such a child, who joined the V_ four years ago. Her best-friend there, Donna, is a normal school girl from a middle-class household. School heartthrob, AK Schwann's past is pretty unknown from Nina's point of view, except that he has origins at the capital. Hoerlit is a cocky boy from an elite political family, whose manipulative nature and inherent leadership qualities took him to the top post of Head Boy. Nina's only rival and equal is Ganz, who seemingly hails from an powerful aristocratic family that controls the military. Ganz has two sides, one that focuses only on challenging Nina at every turn, and another side that occasionally saves Nina from fatal situations. He reasons that Nina 'is the only one worthy to be such a respectable rival', and that if she were dead, he 'wouldn't be able to find someone like that again.' Think what you will, but Ganz will be very important if there's a sequel.


+ Nina Weilder, tough, bad-ass prefect of the Starshard house, and top Knight cadet at the V_ Institute.

+ Donna Paige, her first crush, whom she could never let go of, a cheerful, normal school girl who has no relationship with the cadet training section of the institute.

+ Maximilian Hoerlit, the annoying Head boy, part of the Knight cadets, and ex-Head of the Sports department.

+ Allen Ganz, the ultra-macho Knight cadet who is boy prefect of the Nova house; Nina's rival in battle.

+ Zach Xavier / X, an emo high school boy, club-president and senior troublemaker who would be important if the story is continued.

+ Teresa Milton / Tez, the supportive Knight cadet girl prefect of the Corolla house.

+ Azerkin Schwann / AK, the charismatic lady killer, Knight cadet, boy prefect of the Verrita house, rumoured to be emotionless.

Now that you've gotten a basic idea of the settings, we can proceed to the first person narration of La Nina.


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