Chapter 8- Finding out the Truth

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After the long day at the Fontanel Mansion, Hunter and Savannah headed back to the countryside. By going to the mansion, Savannah was able to see more of the city as they drove through it to get there. She was actually pretty excited about spending time out in the city. She couldn't believe she was even thinking that, but it was the truth.

When Hunter pulled up in Savannah's drive way she invited him inside. "I think my mom would love some help unpacking, if you aren't busy with anything else" Savannah said, eager to spend more time with Hunter.

"Sounds good to me. I don't have anything else to do today." Today being the key word. Hunter was keeping a few secrets of his own from Savannah, but he wasn't ready to share them with her. He wanted to see where things went first. Not that he should even be thinking that way.

"Mom! I'm home" Savannah called. "Hunters here to help unpack too!" Savannah looked around the house. Her mom had already started on the boxes. Almost everything in the living room was unpacked. All her décor from home made it feel cozier. Hunter and Savannah headed up to her room to unpack her boxes.

"Thanks again" she said to him as they began. Savannah started unpacking all her clothes and hung them up nice and orderly in her new walk-in closet. It wasn't as big as the one at home and she wasn't sure how she was going to get everything into it. Hunter grabbed a box that was sitting in a corner. He opened. It looked like it was full of stuff from high school. He pulled out an assortment of school spirit items. "Where do you want these?" he asked.

Savannah walked out of her closet and looked at what he was holding. "Ugh you better let me handle that box. Most of that is junk anyways" she said turning back to her job at hand.

Before he put the items back in the box, he noticed a book at the bottom of the box. He pulled it out and put the rest of the stuff back in the box. He sat down on her bed and began flipping through it. He realized just how popular she was in high school. It looked like there were a million signatures in that thing. He flipped to the back index with all the students' names. He found her name and corresponding page numbers. He flipped to the first one. It was her senior year photo. She looked ravishing. He turned to the next page she was on. It was her standing in front of a podium. Underneath was labeled Student Body President. He couldn't imagine how popular she was. Hunter realized she was out of his league. She was beautiful, popular, and why was she hanging out with him? Did he dare look at the next page she was on? He flipped to the next one and saw it was labeled Prom Queen. When he saw the name next to hers he almost choked.

"Are you okay?" Savannah said emerging from her closet. He quickly shut the book and tried to act like he never saw it. She looked over at him and saw her high school yearbook on the bed. "Were you looking through that?" She asked.

"Umm." caught red-handed, "yeah" he replied looking ashamed.

"That curious about me? I don't think snooping was in the job description" she said laughing.

"Sorry. I just saw it and I couldn't help myself" he replied thankful she didn't seem upset.

"Find anything interesting?" she asked. He had. Next to her prom picture was Nicholas Miller. The guy from the article. The one who said he was coming for her. Hunter had no clue what he was getting himself into. He started wondering just who Savannah was.

"No but it's getting late. I should probably go" he lied, rushing out of the room quickly.

Savannah thought it was strange how he left so quickly. She grabbed her yearbook and flipped through it trying to relive her high school memories. That's when it clicked. Nick was on the page with her at prom. That's why Hunter left. Now that she had his number she texted him.

To Hunter:
Please let me explain

But there was no reply.

Hunter drove straight home. He couldn't believe he was stooping to this level, but he pulled out his laptop and googled Savannah's name. Photos upon photos appeared of her in stunning dresses at big parties. Articles talking about her popped up. But, he wasn't interest in that. He wanted to know what had happened with this Nick guy. And there he had finally found what he needed. The title was enough to explain everything. Alleged rape charges against Nicolas Miller dropped.

Hunter suddenly felt so awful for looking it up himself. He should have just trusted her and been there for her. But, instead he screwed up. Now he had to make it up to her. He looked at his phone and realized Savannah had texted him 35 minutes ago.

From Savannah:
Please let me explain

He texted her back and walked over to her house. He greeted her with open arms and she knew he already knew. But, she didn't blame him. She ran into his arms. They shared their very first embrace. He clung onto her and she began to tear up in his arms.

"Thank you for being here," she said through her tears. They finally let go and sat down on the couch and talked about the whole thing. "Nick..." she began, but choked on his name alone. "He was my boyfriend for about 6 months. As you saw from my yearbook, we went to senior prom together. At the time, I thought I loved him. I told him I would lose my virginity on prom night because he has been begging for so long. The messed up part was I led him on, I let him believe we would have sex for the first time. We were caught up in the moment but suddenly it felt wrong. So as we were making out, I told him to stop. But that's when he wouldn't. He said I owed it to him... So he forced himself on me, it wasn't consensual. I had never said I wanted to..." she was crying, tears rolling down her eyes and Hunter embraced her once again. He was sick at the thought of her own boyfriend, violating her.

Savannah didn't want to take it to court and ruin his life, but he also wouldn't leave her alone the rest of senior year. He made her believe it was her fault and she at least owed it to him to stay together until the end of senior year. She agreed to put on a show and stay together if he promised to leave her alone after graduation, they would cut all ties. Eventually Savannah couldn't keep it to herself and told Madison. Madison pressured her to report it, but Savannah didn't want to ruin his life. And so Madison leaked the story to the press to show Savannah it wasn't her fault. That made it worse and Nick denied it all. Savannah had no proof and so she let it go. They parted ways after graduation and Savannah thought she was finally free of him. But she was clearly wrong. She knew deep down Nick wasn't the kind of guy to just let it go.

"You know you can get a restraining order to keep him away" Hunter suggested feeling useless. He really couldn't do anything to help her. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. I know it doesn't mean much after the fact, but never blame yourself."

"I know, my mom only knows part of the story, but I don't know if I'm ready to tell her all of it." She said. "But I should at least let her know what is going on right now."

He knew that was his cue to leave.

After Hunter left, Savannah had a long and emotional conversation with her mom. She went back to her room and pulled out her journal, continuing where she left off.

Today was a day full of mixed emotions. Parts of it were great but, others not so much. Other than the rough start to the day I would say it was a success. Hunter took me on this tour thing at the Fontanel Mansion. I was wary at first but I had a blast. It was huge, I think it was bigger than any mansion in New York. And the best part was it was a log house! Hunter was also there for me when I needed him the most. He told me he was there for me even after I told him the story about Nick and I was so ashamed. But, he was really supportive and reminded me to stop blaming myself for the guilt I feel. 

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