Chapter 23- Nobody Expects the Unexpected

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Savannah got an unexpected call from a blocked ID. She answered on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Sav, its Hunter," Hunter's voice rang from the phone. Savannah's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't heard from him since the concert in Nashville and she was beginning to get worried. She didn't know how much she could miss his voice alone.

"Hey Hayes," she said lightly with a hint of sadness she was trying to conceal.

"I'm sorry, I haven't called or texted in a couple days. I was really busy..." he started to explain. 

"I don't know, maybe this is a good thing though..."

"What?" he asked shocked. Was he hearing her correctly?

"Having some space. I mean we both have different lives, and we should try to not depend on each other" Savannah said emotionlessly, trying to hold back the tears that were forming.

"You know, I've, I've heard people say that. I don't buy it"

"I don't know it's so different. Different than I hoped. It's been 6 days and it just kind of still feels like you just left yesterday."

"Yeah...I miss you" Hunter said meaning it with all his heart.

Those were the words Savannah longed to hear, "I miss you too."

"So random question" he said.

"Yeah?" she asked, wondering what it could be.

"It's a good one I promise."

"Okay" Savannah replied, trying to muster a laugh.

"What if I just flew out there?" He asked knowing he sounded crazy.

"I think that's a little crazy," Savannah replied.

September 30th, 2012

Dear Diary,

Yesterday, I got the strangest call from Hunter. I hadn't heard from him since the concert and he told me he missed me. I know I need the strength to focus on my own life without always worrying about what Hunters up to, but our friendship has become my life. He asked if he should just fly out here, and all I could think to say was that's crazy. I mean he's on tour, when does he have that kind of time?

Devin arrived at our house yesterday because he had time off for about a week from the concert, which makes me wonder what Hunters up to...

Savannah's concentration left as soon as she heard her mom yelling from downstairs, "Savannah can you get the door?" Savannah grunted, put down her journal, stood up and wandered downstairs. Her mom and Devin were just sitting on the couch cuddling and she thought they were lazy for not answering the door themselves. As Savannah opened the door, she couldn't believe her eyes. She ran into the familiar arms of her best friend and a tear rolled down her eyes. 

"I can't believe you actually came," Savannah said in awe.

"I asked you if I should," he replied, still holding onto her and never wanting to let go. Her head rested on his shoulder and he felt the tears fall from her eyes.

"I didn't think you were serious. Don't you have a concert tonight?" she asked, confused.

"Actually no, but I have to be in Seattle October 6th, so I'm here for five days until I have to go back" he said, finally realizing they were still hugging. He stepped away and looked at Savannah taking in all her beauty.

Savannah couldn't believe her luck. He really cared about her. She knew she should just kiss him right there, but she didn't want to ruin the moment. "How come?" 

"Carrie is in Canada and she has another opening act for the Canada legs. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you" he said.

"Wait legs, as in you'll have another break?" Savannah cheered.

"Yes, but in December. And then it will only be a couple of weeks till I'm back for a while" he said. "Oh I almost forgot, Happy belated Birthday. I'm sorry I couldn't make it back for it, but I got you a little something" he said shyly, handing her a small box. Savannah took the box and opened it revealing a silver necklace with a guitar on it. "I know it's kind of cheesy, but it's supposed to remind you of me while I'm away. Know that I'll always be with you" he said hoping she liked the gift. 

"It's beautiful. Thank you," Savannah cheered running into his arm again, taking in the familiar scent. Savannah loved it because it was from Hunter. And he was right, it would remind her of him. "Can you help me put it on?" she asked, handing the necklace to Hunter. She turned around and he gently brushed her hair to one side. He pulled the necklace around her neck and clasped it, brushing his hand over her neck, sending an electric shock down her spine. Her stomach fluttered at his touch. "Thank you" she whispered.

"Also, I do have another present to show you," Hunter said, taking her hand sending tingles from her palms through the rest of her body.

"Where are we going?" She asked as they picked up the pace. She wasn't entirely in shape, but she was able to keep up for the most part.

"You'll see," he said, finally stopping and pointing to the plane in front of them. Savannah couldn't believe her eyes. Out in the middle of nowhere, well technically his property was a small airplane. 

"You fly?" she asked as they approached the plane and he helped her up.

"Yeah, it's kind of one of my side hobbies, when I have time" he commented, finally getting the chance to take her out on the plane. "I wanted to take you earlier when I was still here, but the rental place was under renovation."

"Oh my God Hunter, this is fantastic" Savannah cheered over the loud sound of the plane starting. "How long have you been flying?"

"Well, I've been working towards my pilot's license, but I do a lot of simulations and get a couple hours here and there when I get the chance." 

As he took off Savannah looked out the window never taking her eyes off the sight off Nashville from the sky. Since she never flew here she didn't get to see it from the sky. In fact, she really hadn't been in a plane for more than an hour and definitely not in a private one. Though it wasn't a real airplane and they weren't flying as high as a normal one would, she still found a thrill in the fact that she was so far above the ground. She imagined people looking up and seeing the plane and pointing at how cool it looked in the sky. It was rather loud and Hunter didn't say anything. He just periodically glanced at her to make sure she was having fun, and she was. After about an hour of flying above Nashville and surrounding cities, he landed back at the rental place.

"That was so much fun!" Savannah cooed. "I can't believe I didn't know you flew."

He smiled, glad he could show her a good time with an out of ordinary experience. Hunter walked in the building, signed a couple of papers and was handed his keys. They drove back to Hunters and spent the rest of the afternoon together.

By the time it was getting late Hunter walked Savannah home. They hugged once more and Savannah thanked him for the incredible experience. "I couldn't imagine sharing it with anyone else," he admitted. "Goodnight."

Savannah walked into her house, a huge smile spread on her face.

"I see you had a good day" Amelia said, scaring Savannah, but nothing could wipe the expression from her face. She was elated.

"Yeah, I did," Savannah said, making her way to the stairs and slowly made her way to her room. 

She pulled out her beloved journal and continued writing.

I can't believe Hunter actually flew out here. I guess he has about 6 days until his next show and will be here for four more days. Since he wasn't here for my actual birthday, he decided to surprise me and took me out flying, something I didn't know was a hobby of his. I swear every day, this boy surprises me with yet another new thing about him. Still the best part of the day is being with Hunter, even if we were to do nothing. It sucks that tomorrow is Monday and we will only be able to spend the evening together, but one minute with him is better than two without.

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