Chapter 2

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"Do you know where the G wing is?" Niall asks once the bell rings, Louis and Zayn both having already left for their next classes.

"Yah, I can show you if I want." I shrug. "It's not that far away from my next class." That was a lie. My next class was in the complete opposite direction. But, I wanted too spend as much time with him before he realized how big of a social outcast I was then started avoiding me like the black plague. (Maybe I’m being a little bit overdramatic) Anyways, I might be able to avoid Harry if I went with him, which is always a bonus.

"Thanks Em." Niall smiles, and my heart beats faster. What if he could hear it? That would be embarrassing. "I hope your friends don't mind that I stole you away for lunch." 

"Oh, uhm, I don't have many friends. Actually, none at this school." 

"What about those people who were in line behind us?"

"I hate them." I say, nose crinkling in disgust. "And this is the G wing." 

"Well I can see why you don't like them. Oh, and you were wrong about not having any friends at this school." He grins. "I think you have three." Niall gives me a final wave before going to class. I can't help but grin as I start making my way to math. Is it sad I can’t remember the last time I was smiling at school? Plus, I probably wasn't even going to be late.

"Emily!" I freeze, my smile disappearing as I hear someone call out my name. "I need to talk to you." I don't turn around, but stay in place, knowing it was useless to run. 

"What do you want Harry?" I say, trying to sound confident though I knew he could see right through it. 

"You don't think I could let you get away with what happened at lunch, do you?" He was right next to me, his hot breath making my hair stand up on the back of my neck, not in a good way. (Seriously, nothing about Harry turns me on. He looks like a 5th grader, which apparently most girls my age like. Oh, and if you haven't already figured it out, he's been my personal bully since Freshman year. That tends to make a person dislike someone) "Answer me when I talk to you!" Shit, this is why I shouldn't zone out. He must have asked me something.

"W-what?" I stutter, already anticipating the hit. SLAP. Pain flares up my arm, and I can't help but let out a whimper. 

"I said, you're not going to let that happen again, right?" Harry's grip on my shoulder hurt, and I could tell it was going to bruise. 

"I won't." I say quietly, wishing he would just let me go.

"You're so lucky I have to get to class." He says harshly, dropping my arm so I fall to the ground, relaxing slightly when I hear his footsteps disappear. I stand up, being careful not to put any weight on my arms as I hurry to my math class, the late bell ringing seconds before I get in the door. Luckily, the teacher hadn't started teaching yet, so I quickly take my seat in the back of the class. I was pulling out my notebook when I realize someone had sat next to me. 

"Emily!" Louis says happily, nudging me with his shoulder. I wince, Harry's slap still hurting even though it was mostly covered by my t-shirt. 

"Hi Louis." I say,  not making eye contact in hopes he didn't notice me flinch.

"Are you alright?" He frowns, not waiting for an answer as he pulls up my sleeve so that he could see the red skin. "What happened to your arm?" 

"I ran into a wall." I'm great at quick thinking.

"And it left a hand print?" He says, obviously not believing me. Luckily, that's when Mrs. Lenard calls the calls to order, immediately starting the lesson. At least Lou was smart enough to pay attention in an AP class, though I noticed him look over to me a few times, giving up when I wouldn't make eye contact. When the bell rings, I quickly pack up, hoping Louis would drop it. When have I ever been lucky? "I'm going to find out eventually." He says, not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

"It was a wall, ok?" I sigh, picking up my bag. "I'll see you later!" And with that, I make my escape. I swear, Louis was grinning at me as I walked out the door.

A few hours later, I was in my room, doing homework (like I said, I have a super busy social life) when my phone's text tone goes off. Now, for most people this isn't very special. But for me, the only texts I normally get is my mom asking me if I need more ointment. Since I knew she was passed out drunk on the couch (I have a weird family) I knew it wasn't her. 'TEXT RECEIVED FROM: Best Person Ever' I know for a fact that I didn't have a contact with that name. Against my better judgement, I open it. 

‘Hey Emillllyyyy, I hope you don’t mind but I swapped our numbers in math ;) Ni, Zayn, and I wanted to know if you wanted to go to this football game Niall heard about tomorrow? xx-Louis’

My first instinct is to say I have plans, but how could one night hurt? Everyone else goes to those things with their friends, and I do have friends now. (Never thought I’d say that) 

‘Sure, see you tomorrow!’ 

What’s the worst that could happen?

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