Chapter 1

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Hi, my name's North Territo. You could say that I lead a pretty normal life – or at least I used to. Now it's like I'm invisible – literally.

Some people (maybe you included) complain that you're invisible to everyone. No one pays any attention to you. You're utterly and completely an outsider. But think about this: What if you were actually invisible? What if no one could see you at all? What if people keep walking into you because they can't see you? Well, that pretty much sums up my life.

Let me just get one thing straight: I'm not invisible, I'm more like a... I don't know... a human chameleon. If you look really closely, you might notice a faint – a very faint – outline. But for that you'd have to have pretty good eyesight.

I know what you're thinking: What the hell is North talking about? Well, here's your answer:

It was 7:00am, on the 13th May 2016. Friday.

"Great," I mumbled to myself. "Just great."

I grabbed my lucky eraser and whispered to it.

"Please give me luck! It's Friday the 13th!" Bad luck seemed to follow me everywhere - which is why I didn't want to go to school.

Tiredly, I dragged myself into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. Then, I went to my bedroom and got changed into my school uniform. As I was brushing my teeth, I stared at myself in the mirror. Would I have to deal with this ugly face for the rest of my life? Or would I get prettier? I doubt that. I guess I'll have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Sigh.

I trudged into my mum's car, dragging my schoolbag on the floor. I was really dreading the prospect of going to school. I was dreading it so much, in fact, that I barely noticed my mum telling my to pick up my bag. 

The car zoomed past roads, mountains and buildings until it reached my favourite place; school.

Now you're definitely confused: She just said she didn't want to go to school, why is she saying that it's her favourite place now? Well, school is – well was – a way to escape from my horrible life, so of course it's my favourite place. I just didn't want to go on that day. Anyway, back to the story...

I waved to my mum as she drove away. This was it. I walked through the automatic doors and into the front office. I looked at my school and I sneezed. 

There was something, some flower or shrub, in this school that gave me hay fever all the time. Well, at least it wasn't spring. Then it would be ten gazillion times worse.

I wiped my nose on the sleeve of my jumper and kept walking. I unlocked my locker (Don't tell anyone, but the code is 3141), and put my bag away. Then, book in hand, I walked over to my usual bench and started reading.

Other than school, reading was my only other escape from my life. I loved to lose myself in the pages, travelling to worlds that could only exist in my imagination. Dragons, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, demons, the whole lot. And even evil alchemists! I was just at the end of my book, the climax; the part that you just need to finish, when I'm interrupted.


The stupid bell.

I tried to finish reading, but it was impossible to concentrate with people standing right in front of me shouting and playing while they waited for our teacher to let us in, so I decided that I would try and read later.

First up was English.

I didn't want to read during this because English is my favourite subject. We were writing narratives (which is my next favourite thing to do) so I didn't  read.

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