Chapter 4

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That's it! It was Teeline Shorthand!

If you don't know what that is... well... look it up.

It started with a curve, then a circle, then a slanted line, a small dash, and a long, vertical line – my name!

Here, I translated it for you:


We thought that we would find you here. As you might know, you were unconscious for a few days. You've lost precious time. A clue to find your pencil: the school of Secrets.

And that's all it said. What did they mean by the school of secrets? There were four schools in Laque City: Prince Regent School, Laque School, Esor School and Terces School (My school).

Maybe one of them held some secret? Or maybe they meant the university? Or did they mean a place that was disguised as a school – therefore it would be a "secret school"?

After a few long minutes of contemplation, I decided that my last guess was most likely; the secret school.

But where? I'd been to every place in Laque, and none could hide a school. Well, I'd been to every place except the Magic Museum, but that was for members only... hardly anyone had been in there...

But wouldn't that be a good way to hide a school? Make it a "museum" and say that it's for members only?

I waited for the next train and took it to the Magic Museum. It took a while; I had just missed the last train, but eventually it came.

I got on and sat at the back. No one ever goes to the back, so there was no risk of someone sitting on me or bumping into me.

The train seemed to go slower than usual, but I checked and it was going at the usual speed. I can't wait to get to the Magic Museum and get my lucky pencil back!

Finally the train stopped and I rushed off. Boy was I glad to finally be there. I wanted to open the door and go in straight away but it would be stupid.

A few minutes later (at least I assumed it was a few minutes – it felt like hours) a man walked to the door. He was really old (no offence) and had grey hair. He wore a top hat and a suit. He opened the door and I slipped in behind him.

"Hello Lily," the man said to a pretty Asian girl at the front desk. She had a violin with her and was playing a sweet melody. When she saw the man, though, she stopped and smiled.

"Pietro!" she exclaimed. "How nice to see you again!"

"Nice to see you too," the man – Pietro – said. "I'll just be in my workshop.

The girl nodded, and then continued playing her violin.

I looked around. The place was full of magic tricks posters of magicians. As I walked through the corridor, I saw a picture of Houdini, Penn and Teller, Cosentino, and a lot of others.

But one poster made me stop.

It was in a peeling gold frame, and the paper was yellowed. The picture was in black and white and said: THE AMAZING BERGAMO BROTHERS AND THEIR SYMPHOMY OF SMELLS.

The Bergamo Brothers: Pietro and Luciano. Pietro – the old man in the top hat.

These people were all from the Secret Series - Pseudonymous Bosch's books.

I was shocked. The Secret Series are my favourite books. I couldn't believe it.

Then again, the city was full of book stuff; Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, Wild World, Terces School, etc. Most of them were from the Secret Series, so why did this surprise me.

But these were the characters! The freaking characters! I couldn't wait to see Cass and Max-Ernest!

No, I need to stop. I'm getting off track. I need to find my pencil. That's way more important. Do I want to stay invisible forever? No!

And anyway, when I'm un-invisible (no, that's not a word... it's visible), I can properly meet them. Or at least I'll try.

But anyway, enough of that. I need to find my pencil.

I still couldn't stop thinking about Pietro. I mean, if he really is the Pietro Bergamo in the Secret Series, the, where are the Midnight Sun? Could they be behind all this? Are they the reason that I'm invisible?

I don't think so... The Midnight Sun looks for kids with synaesthesia. I don't have synaesthesia. Or at least I don't think I do.

But lets say that I do have synaesthesia. Then what? The Midnight Sun will probably try to suck my brain out. Like they tried on poor Benjamin Blake.

But I don't think I have synaesthesia. I don't think the Midnight Sun is after me. After all, they're just alchemists. I think someone – or something – more sinister is behind all this.

Soon, I decide that I really need to stop thinking and start looking. So I look in the first place I see: The Gateway To The Invisible (well, that's what it said).

Oh! I remember! This is the place that makes you invisible. Not that I need that; I'm already invisible.

Nonetheless, I walk in. I might find my pencil in here. Maybe, since I'm invisible, I have the ability to see people and things in here. Well, it's worth a try.

I walk in and face the mirror.

I almost faint.

I can see myself.

My hair is all messed up, there's a scar on my cheek, my clothes are ripped and dirty, there's a bandage wrapped around my arm.

Well, I almost didn't recognise myself.

I looked so... different.

So, the invisibility room had the opposite effect on me. I was already invisible, so now I'm visible!

That's awesome! Now, if I don't find my eraser in time, I can live in this. But will the Terces Society let me...?

Probably not, but maybe if I prove that I'm on their side?

Argh! No, no, no. I need to find my pencil. Not sit around thinking. Where could it be?

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