Chapter 3

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I awoke to find myself lying in a room. It was dusty here – not good for my hay fever. The room was illuminated by a few light bulbs. It took me a few seconds to realise that this was the same room – through the trapdoor.

"Damn it! There was a freaking light this whole time?" I growled.

I looked down at my arm, but then realised that I couldn't see it. I felt it instead, and found it wrapped in a bandage, same with my cheek.

Someone had dressed my wounds. Someone had been in here. Someone, maybe, could see me.

I sat up and stretched. I looked around. Not much to see: stairs, a few boxes, some wires, a cage with a wolf in it, wait... what?

I walked closer to the thing. It looked like a wolf, but... something was off. I watched the sleeping wolf. It had a blanked wrapped around it and some clothes were folded at its side. Its paws were caked in dried blood. Most likely mine.

I was about to walk away when I saw it.

I promise you that I saw this with my very own eyes.

Right before me, the wolf started to change. Its paws turned into hands and feet. Its hair reduced. It's face changed, until it was... human.

It opened its eyes.

"Hello?" he called. It was a man. "Anyone there?"

I didn't reply.

"Phew," he said, obviously relieved. Then it grabbed the clothes. "I'd better get changed then."

I turned around as he got changed, and stayed turned until I heard him walk up the stairs. I watched him walk up the stairs, and go through the trapdoor.

I followed. I was halfway up the stairs, but then stopped and looked back. The place where I had lay down on was clearly marked with blood. There was a lot – too much.

I was sure I hadn't lost that much blood – if I had, I would definitely be dead by now. I walked down the stairs. As I got closer, I realised that something was off about the blood. When I reached it, I knew why. They were words.

Only about half of the blood was real, the rest was paint. It said:

To find your eraser, you must look in the place where the ghosts rule.

Where the ghosts rule? What? Do they mean heaven or hell? Either way, I can't look in either.

I grabbed a nearby pen and scribbled the riddle (or whatever) onto the back of the note they gave me. Whoever they are.

In the place where the dead people rule? What? Do they mean a graveyard?

There are a million graveyards here in Laque City. Where the heck am I supposed to start?

Frustrated, I sunk onto the floor. As I sat in silence, I thought.

Well, if they led me here, there must be something here that would help me... or was that the riddle?

Then it hit me.

How could I have not thought of this before?

I practically jumped up and raced up the stairs. I flung open the trapdoor, and raced down the corridors, on my way to the morgue.

It wasn't easy getting in. I couldn't open the doors by myself, or someone would see a door opening by itself. Instead, I had to sneak in behind someone.

Eventually, a few nurses walked in, rolling in a dead body. I slipped in behind them and walked in.

The place stank.

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