"I'm so sorry."

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Pairing: Stony (Steve / Tony)
Warnings: Angst, Major Character Death
Word Count: 825 words

A/N: Normally I can't handle sad stories for the life of me, but I was reading so many last night I started crying and an idea popped into my head so I wrote it down frantically. And here we are; a slightly angsty story for everyone. I hope you enjoy a little Zombie!AU !


As the last corpse fell to the ground, Steve looked around at his small rag tag group. Natasha slipped her gun into her holster and Clint began tearing his arrows from the heads of the undead. Bruce immediately turned and began raiding the cupboards around them.

"Anyone see Thor?" Steve asked. Natasha pointed towards the back rooms.

"I saw him head that way. 'Said he was going to check the back." Steve nodded and scanned for his partner.

"Tony?" He called out. There was an almost silent shuffle before he replied.

"I'm over here." Tony responded, his voice sounding off. Steve glanced at Nat, who quickly fell into step behind him, as he made his way down the hallway of the large building.

"I'm in here Steve." Came Tony's voice two doors down. Steve fastened his pace and heard Nat follow behind without a word.

"Did you find something?" He asked as he turned into the room. He paused in the doorway as soon as he spotted the man inside.

"Tony?" Steve said gently, almost as if he was afraid of spooking the man.

Tony sat against one of the bare walls in the room that held only a chest of drawers, a bed and a closet, now of which the doors stood open. There was a corpse at his feet and his knife was drawn, held tightly in his right hand.

"I'm so sorry." Tony choked out. Steve felt Natasha move away, presumably to get the others. He stepped forward and fell to his knees at his partner's side.

"I'm here baby. I'm here." Steve murmured, carefully prying Tony's white-knuckled fingers from the knife. Once loose, Steve placed it away from them both before grabbing Tony's hand and twining their fingers together.

The sound of the rest of their group arriving was background noise to Steve as he focused on Tony. The other man must have noticed them though, as he glanced up and squeezed Steve's hand.

"I didn't even hear it." Tony started. "I came in and went straight to the drawers to see if there was anything in there we could take. I kneeled on the ground to check under the bed when I heard it."

Steve barely registered everyone crowding around them, trying to be as close as possible to Tony.

"The closet doors squeaked and I barely had time to pull my knife. I almost had it but... But..." He trailed off. Tony blinked away his tears as he used his free hand to pull back his pant leg, showing a gruesome and terribly bloody bite. Steve heard tiny gasps and clenched his teeth in order to keep from crying out.

"I'm so sorry." Tony said again, looking at each person in the room.

Steve sniffled and rubbed the back of his hand over his eyes before bringing Tony's attention back to him.

"This is the absolutely last way I wanted to do this." Steve started. "I love you so much. You've saved my life too many times to count and you've done so much for all of us." Whispers of agreement sounded around them. Steve took a deep breath trying to calm himself. He felt inside his pockets, taking out a tiny box and sliding the lid open, revealing identical metal bands.

"Tony Stark, would you do me the honour of becoming my husband?" Steve enveloped Tony in his arms as the man leaned into him and cried freely.

"Yes." Tony sobbed. "Yes!"

Steve cradled Tony's face in his hands, leaning forward to kiss him soundly.

"I love you, Tony Stark."

"I love you too, Steve Rodgers."

Steve didn't want to let go but he knew their time was running out.

"I'll see you on the other side." Tony whispered against his lips. Reaching forward, Tony grabbed at Natasha's hand, silently telling her he wanted her to do it. He felt her grip his hand very tightly before reluctantly letting go.

"We love you." They all said in unrehearsed harmony. Steve whimpered as he had to let go of the love of his life.

"I love you all." Take care of each other.

Natasha shakily pulled her gun and aimed at Tony's head. He managed a half smile as he looked around.

"I'll be watching over you guys." Don't do anything stupid.

Natasha gasped brokenly as she pulled the trigger. The echo of the gunshot rattled around inside their heads repeatedly. Clint wrapped one arm around the red head's waist and placed the other on the hand holding the gun that was wavering midair.

"We should leave. The sound may have alerted things to our location." Came Thor's cracked voice. Steve nodded, pushing himself to his feet, allowing the other man to lead him from the room where his husband just died.

My husband, Came the sudden heartbreaking thought. At least I was able to ask him before he died.

If only we were in a different time.

Steve and Tony (Stony) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now