Are you dating?

9.6K 274 43

Pairing: Stony
Warnings: None
Word Count: 409

A/N: Just a really short one for you guys. Got inspiration after I read the cutest fic last night. Tooth rotting, I tell you!


Steve sighed as he finished the last mouthful of whatever he was currently drinking. He'd lost count of how many he'd had, but for him to feel tipsy as he did, it had to be more than five bottles.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for the other man, whom of which was currently sprawled across Steve. There was enough room on the long couch he had commandeered at the beginning of the party, but Tony had immediately curled up on him, almost like a cat.

"Hey man! Change the song, yeah?" Came a voice on the far side of the packed room.

Steve craned his neck, looking behind him as he tried to press the button on the neon green phone. He fumbled, accidentally pressing the pause button and shouting a slurred apology before hitting the right one.

"Stop movin'." Tony mumbled into his chest.

A small chuckle escaped as he turned back and made himself comfortable again.

"Sorry Kitty." He teased. After a moment's consideration, Steve raised his hand and brought it down, running his fingers through Tony's dark hair.

It's really soft, Steve thought.

"Not a Kitty." Tony huffed back, leaning into Steve's hand.

There was a loud thump beside them as two girls stumbled over one another, both going down in a massive fit of giggles. They tried once to stand, only to trip and go down again.

"Excuse me," One of the called up to them. Steve and Tony both peered down at them. "Are you two dating?"

"No." Came the response in unison.

"Actually," Steve started hesitantly and Tony looked up at him.

"Hmm?" Tony blinked slowly.

"We could. I mean, I'd definitely date you. We've known each other for ages and I've liked you since day one, so..." He trailed off, a blush painting his cheeks as he let out more than he wanted to.

"Okay." Steve's mouth fell open.

"Wait, really? You wanna date me?"

"Yeah, I do." A shy smile appeared and happiness danced in Tony's eyes.

"Great! Well," He turned to the two on the ground that had just witnessed the exchange. "I guess we're dating now." He finished with a grand smile of his own.

"Wow." One breathed out in awe. She turned to her friend. "Should we date too Nat?" The other girl gave a firm nod and they clutched one another's hands, curling up and speaking a mile a minute.

Tony huffed a laugh and snuggled further into Steve's body.

Steve and Tony (Stony) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now