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Ok. So I'm gonna change the formatting of my books so the beginning of the chapter (like this commentary) doesn't exist. There won't be anything in the chapters except for the actual chapter. This change will take place in chapter six. See ya.


"I don't care! Why can't you understand that? This is why you should've stayed away!" bellowing jolted me from my peaceful rest. My eyelids opened leisurely as my physique jerked the comforter from my body. Bare feet scurried sluggishly to my bedroom door as I silently pulled the door open and stepped out into the small corridor. I trailed after the voices which led me to the living area. There I saw a furious Sam and an exhausted Dean. "I was doing just fine until you come and fuck everything up! Why did you do that?" the voice belonging to Sam was dripping with rage and seething. Clenching his jaw, his calloused hands soared up to rub his temples before carefully speaking.

"Dad hasn't seen you in so long. He needs to see you Sammy. You can't run away from him forever, just know that," your heart would break if you could hear how his voice sounded. He twisted to head in my direction, and I hoisted my figure up, trying to look alert. When he rounded the corner, I flung my arms around him and whispered that I will talk to Sam. When we pulled apart, his eyes seized so much pain, but he managed to squeak out a thank you. I bowed my head and advanced into the living room.

"If you don't stop, you're going to fall right through the floor," I caught Sam's attention and stopped his unceasing pacing. His furious face fazed me a little, but I didn't back down. I thrusted myself forward to clutch his oversized hands and led him to the loveseat, ramming him down on the surface. I rested myself right underneath his arm and proceeded to talk to him in a whisper. "I heard you and Dean fighting. Don't get mad at me and listen. I think Dean is right. Out of all the years that I've known you, you never talk about your family. I literally just found out that you had a brother a little less than a year ago. If you still don't want to see your father, at least give him a call. If not for you or Dean, please do it for me." I placed a tender kiss to Sam's cheek and snuggled into his chest. I have no idea how long I was asleep or when I fell asleep, but I was awakened by Sam's arms carrying me to our bedroom.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I slammed the front door in our New Jersey's home. The aroma of grilled cheese smacked a smile on my face as I practically sprinted to the kitchen where I saw Daniel and our mother preparing my favorite after school snack. I quietly sat down as I watched my loving family members work in quiet bliss. Daniel would prepare the sandwiches, and Mom would cook them perfectly. Crisp golden brown with perfect melted gooey cheese. Definitely Mom's specialty. "Hey, I'm going upstairs to change out of my uniform. Be right back," I spoke after watching them for a minute.

"Hope, Heather was here, and she brought you a package. I told her to put it on your bed," Mom spoke without turning around. Her voice sounded weary, but I just shook it off because she works all day. I thanked her and bounded up the stairs to see what my boyfriend's sister got me. I tossed open my door, the second on the left, and quickly changed into some sweatpants and a tank top. After changing into my desired clothing, I fell on the bed in a sitting position to open the package. I unpacked some teddy bears, a rose, and an uncompleted notebook filled with happy and funny letters. At the bottom of the box was an envelope addressed to me. My birthday wasn't for another month. Confused at my gifts, I opened and read the letter.

I jolted awake in a cold sweat with tears pricking my eyes. Blinded by the darkness, I dashed out of my bedroom to the bathroom, praying that I'll make it in time. I banged the door in its frame in a hurry and rushed to the toilet, vomiting my lunch and dinner for that day. I sat down from my kneeling position and shrieked into the night air. A few stomps later, a reassuring hand was rubbing my back as Dean's voice tried to calm me down. "Hey, hey. Shhhh. You're okay. Come on," he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and heaved my body closer. "Come 'ere Sammy," Dean called out to Sam who ran out of our bedroom with a loaded pistol and an angry face. His eyes softened dramatically and respected his older brother's instructions. "Here, hold her while I get her a cool towel," Sam took Dean's place and held me in his arms tightly. After a toilet flush and water shouting in the silent night, a cool towel was pressed to my forehead as I soundlessly cried.

"Baby, stop crying please. Come on. Let's go lay down," a gigantic hand engulfed mine as I was forced to stand and stagger back into our bedroom. The disheveled bed was welcoming my spirit as I accepted its loving embrace.

"Hope, I asked your mother to not tell you this because I thought that I needed to be the one to tell you. Go open your bathroom's door." I followed the note's instructions to find Heather sitting on my tub's side, puffy and red eyed. She gave me a weak smile as she followed me out of the bathroom and into my underwater themed bedroom. I painted my walls a calming blue and basically all my furniture was a deep blue. I used to have panic attacks, and for some reason, water has always calmed me. "You know that Matt and Stacey went to go visit our grandparents today, right?" I nodded my head because my boyfriend already explained this to me. Curiously, I turned my body and attention to his sister and listened to her story.

"Well, on their way back, there was this wreck. An 18 wheeler had flipped over on the interstate, but they weren't harmed in any way. After carefully driving back home, they decided to stop at a gas station to refuel. Unfortunately, this gas station was being robbed after they went in. Matt, trying to be a hero, tried to calm down the robber and ended up being fatally shot in the process. Stacey, hysterically, tried to call the police from the bathroom when she heard more gun shots. As she was trying to stifle her crying, the shooter killed her on the toilet. The police have captured the shooter, and he is in custody," Heather's eyes started to water after telling her story and hearing my balling. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled my close, placing her chin on the top of my head.

I lost my best friend and boyfriend on my second anniversary.

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