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Hola. Chapter one, more like Chapter Fun! (I'm sorry... Not) As always, I hope you enjoy this as it hopefully reels you in. Positivity in the comments please. You never know if you can make someone's day! Grazie!

Warnings : The GIF may cause some extreme mouth watering/drooling. Proceed to watch with caution.

Words : 1,604


I groggily rolled over to my left to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. What can I say? I'm old-school. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and checked my notifications. Seeing that no one bothered me in any way through the night, my feet landed on the subzero wooden floor as I trotted to my bedroom door. I started to walk to the bathroom while rubbing my eyes when I walked smack into the door. I stumbled backwards, quickly catching myself before I fell. I bumped the wall on the other side of the hallway and opened my eyes all the way. I tried to figure out why I ran smack into the door when it should be open. I was the only person that woke up this early. My thoughts were interrupted by my tall roommate walking out with his pants hanging dangerously low on his hips, barefooted and shirtless. My eyes settled on his strange tattoo while his eyes landed on me, and his face contorted into a confused one. He rose his eyebrow when he looked at my sleeping wear. It was hot last night, and the AC unit didn't do me any justice, so I decided to sleep in a spaghetti strap tank top and my panties. I looked to where he was looking and tried to cover as much as my body as I could. He quickly looked back up at me and expected me to answer his silent question.

"I didn't know you were up. I'm used to being the only one up at this time of hour," I mumbled while he made way for me to enter the bathroom. He stepped into the hallway and chuckled a little.

"I need to go to the office a little bit earlier today. I... uh... forgot my shirt," I nodded my head and closed the door, blocking contact from me and Sam. I walked over to the shower to adjust the temperature I was setting. I paced back over to the opposite side of the bathroom to grab some towels. After grabbing two fluffy black towels, I rested them within arm's reach of the shower and stripped from the little clothing I was wearing. I stepped into the shower when I heard the door open. "I'm sorry, but I need to hurry up. Do you mind if I brush my teeth?" I heard him yelling so I could hear him over the water pressure. I yelled a sure and continued to wash my body. I heard the faint sink water running and kept thinking that it wouldn't take him that long to brush his teeth. After about three minutes, I was able to stop telling myself that. "I'm off to the office. Don't wait up," he laughed at his own terrible joke and proceeded to close the bathroom door. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and continued to wash my body and hair in happy silence.

After about ten minutes of pep talking myself to get out the wonderful creation called a shower, I reached for the towels and wrapped one around my body and the other around my hair. I approached the sink and reached for my toothbrush. I turned on the water and smothered tooth paste on my brush. I proceeded to brush my teeth while towel-drying my hair. I was in no rush today since it was my day off.

After finishing brushing my teeth, I strolled out into the hallway to immediately turn into my bedroom. The house was quiet, so I knew that he left already. I paced over to the closet to grab some sweatpants and a shirt. I couldn't remember where the shirt had come from, but it was comfortable. I quickly threw on some underwear followed by the clothes of my choosing and opened my bedroom door to see the empty apartment. I sauntered to the kitchen to see an empty bowl and spoon forgotten on the table. I picked up the dish and cutlery and placed them in the sink. I proceeded to the fridge where I saw a plate of an omelet sitting there, mocking me. I picked up the plate and saw the note the food was resting on. I placed the dish on the table and grabbed the note from the fridge.

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