Chapter One: Liam and Wolves

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The wind rustled through the trees as I made my way into the woods. I knew Zaron would meet me by the creek, knowing my call. As I made my way through some brush when leading to the small lake when I saw a boy sitting down on a log, looking at the water. Silently, I let my wings loose and flew up onto a higher tree branch, making my wings go back. As i looked more closely, I noted that he was a boy from my school. A very well known boy in fact. His name was Liam Davis. As I continued to watch, he stood up and then turned to go back into the woods. After waiting a few moments, I climbed down, and with a sigh, threw a stone in the water. After a few more minutes, making sure the coast was clear, i whistled, make a high note. A grey wolf, a male, stuck his head out from between two birch trees, his yellow eyes looking at me with curiosity.
"Hey Zaron boy" I smiled at the wolf, who trotted over to me and nudged my leg with his snout. He yelped and as I sat down, and put his front paws on my lap. Suddenly, his ears perked up, and he growled softly, stalking over to the edge of the woods. I instantly knew what was happening.
"It's okay boy. Come here." I soothingly said and Zaron, looked back at me, growled again, once more, before walking back and sitting next to me. I made sure my sweatshirt hood was hiding my face, like it usually was, when I called out,
" Liam! Come out! Or else I'll send him after your butt!" I called out. There was a rustle of leaves and a moment later the brown haired boy came out. Zaron stood up, and eyed him, in a defensive stance. I stood up too, my hand on Zaron's neck.
"Who are you?" he asked, eying Zaron.
"Me or the Wolf?" I mused, silently laughing, noting his stiff posture.
"Yo-the wol-i mean for the both of you!" He sighed, still not taking his eyes away from Zaron.
"You know, if you look at him in the eyes, he'll see you even more as a threat, and might attack you, so." I noted now petting Zaron's head, while Zarn pressed himself against me.
Kneeling down I whispered to Zaron who snorted and then as I stood up, went over to Liam, who started breathing heavily.
"Calm down Liam. He's only going figure out your scent, and other things...." I laughed, as Liam instantly looked up at me.
"Who are you? How do you know me?" He asked.
"Well, I do go to your school. I'm actually in some of your classes." I smirked. His eyes narrowed right when his phone began to ring. Zaron growled and went back to me. I looked at him and smiled at him. He wagged his tail a little.
"Yes mom... i'm coming home;I just took a small stop. I'm coming home now! Bye. I love you" Liam sighed before hanging up.
"Off you go Liam. See you at school." I said, turning around and walking off down the lake, Zaron by my side.
"I'll see ya, wolf girl." he mumbled, I heard his footsteps fall away.
'I disliked the way he looked at me.' Zaron's thoughts filled my head.
"Well. He's a human. You're something that he doesn't see every day, like me." I answered looking at the wolf who took a deep breath.
'Humans are cruel. Unsafe.' He said, huffing. I smiled, knowing his motto. I was the only human allowed in his pack, alongside my parents, but they were still wary of them.
"Zaron. Calm down. How's the pack?" I asked.
'Pack is safe. Fed. There are pups born.' Came the reply. I laughed nodding. The sun was going down, and I knew I would have to go home soon.

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"DALLAS, I'M HOME!" I shouted inside the house.
"SHUT UP!!" My brother shouted back. He was my twin, but i was the better looking one, since I was half angel. With a huff, I walked up the stairs and into my room. Dallas, my brother poked his head into my room, with a small smile.
"Hey. You feeling alright to let me groom your wings?" He asked. I smiled, giving him a small laugh. As I sat down on my bed, i opened my wings and Dallas walked in, and sat behind me, with a sigh.
"You know, I always hated school and everything that came with it." Dallas said while I suddenly stood up to take off my sweatshirt. I sat back down replying.
"Well. As an introvert, I can agree with that, but the teachers aren't that bad." I commented, flapping my wings a little. I sat back down and Dallas continued grooming my right wing, as I groomed my left wing.
"I saw Liam Davis in the woods today. Zaron scared the living daylight out of him. It was funny." I giggled.
"Really? How did he know it was you?" He asked.
"He didn't. I had my hoodie on -the one where you can't see my face- and he went after his mom called, and he left and I went home after the sun started to go down. Nothing so serious." I pulled apart two feathers that were tangled up.
"Still! You need to be careful! You know- and I know- how he treats you in school! If he found out, who knows what can hurt you!" Dallas mumbled. I only gave him a sigh in response, and we continued to work in silence.

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"Good Morning!" A cheerful vice said from behind me. I turned around to see my friend Charlie. "Hey Charles." I smiled when her smile turned into a pout. "Don't call me that! You know how much i hate it!" She said, only making me laugh. Her pout soon turned back into a smile and we made our way into the school. As we made our way to our lockers,Charlie made a stop to talk to a girl in her English class. I quickly made my way to my locker, taking out my books. I turned around only to see Liam and his buddies across from me. He quickly looked at me and turned to face my brother, saying something to him. Dallas looked at me and smiled, giving me a slight quirk of his eyebrow. In other words, it may have looked like he was giving me a "whatsapp" but we had a communication through out faces. I nodded and turned to walk to my class. "ANGEL! Wait up!" Charlie called out and i stopped as she fell next to me. When we started walking, Dallas stepped next to me, passing us. 

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