Crumbling Light Posts

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A/N the picture above is what you wear and how your hair and makeup is done.

You were Tony's little sister. This statement alone gives every one a clue on how your life has been like. You were only younger then Tony by five years, though he treated you as if you were still five. Just like him you were smart and rich. You mad your money from making a drug that could stop meta-human(a/n sorry its a flash from DC thing, I know i'm a traiter don't shoot me) powers form working. Your drug was instantly bought off the market from every in-city police departments. Tony always jokes that you made your money by dealing drugs. Which was sort of true, but taken slightly out of context.

Tony had offered you to stay in his tower once it was completed, seeing as he had all the new tech that would be quite helpful to you. During the whole New York incident you had been exposed to hundreds of experimental drugs all at once. Short story of what happened was that you were in your lab working when the Chitari attacked the science building. It blew a hole in the wall that was connected to the storage contanment area for new experimental drugs. From the frorce from the explosion you were thrown through a wall and into the containment area, and you went through 3 racks of drugs.

You were deathly sick for 1 year in a coma, fighting for your life. Little did you know that your body was reacting to the drugs. When you woke up you had superpowers. You were able to manipulate Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons. Bascially you could practically control just about anything with your mind, and with touching it.

You were then recruited to the avengers where you meet Steve. You two hit it off immediatly. You loved that he was old fashioned and you could relate to the whole being unconcious for a while thing. Tony, of course, being the over protective brother that he is, always made sure you were okay. He was wary about you and Steve getting close. But he knew that the both of you deserved to be happy, but for him it sucked that the thing that mad the both of you happy was eachother.

Steve asked you out on a date and of course you said yes. He was taking you to an upscale restaurant uptown. He wanted to impress you, and he had asked Natasha what he should do. She recommended the restaurant.

Of course Tony found out about your date and flipped out. While you were getting ready for your date, Tony went to Steve's room to have a conversation with him.

This is how it went.

Knock, Knock.

"Come In!" Steve said from some where in his room.

Tony charged in and said, "I heard your taking my sister on a date tonight Rogers."

"Yes, Yes I am. What do you want Tony." Steve said in the bathroom form where he was getting ready.

"Well I just want to remind you that I created a weapons industry, and I have hundreds of suites made from iron, stocked with hundreds of explosives."

"Yeah I know that Stark, why are you reminding me again?" Steve asked, his patience running thin as he was getting ready.

"Well I just thought that I should make it clear that I am very capapble of obliterating you into tiny of million pieces if necessary. So don't try anything on her Rogers. Because if you break her heart you will have wished that you had never been pulled out of the ice." Tony said coldy, but with a threating tone lacing his voice.

By ths time Steve poked his head out of bathroom and got the full force of Tony's glare.

He then said, "Dully noted, now if you don't mind I have a date I have to get ready for."

With that Tony left Steve's room on another mission.

He walked down to your room, and opened the door without knocking.

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