How'm I supposed to die

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(A/N) Hey guys! This is an imagine based off a song. Recently I found this Band Civil Twilight and I fell in love with their music. The song this imagine is based off of is 'How'm I supposed to die' by Civil Twilight. Go check out the song. The lyrics to the song are going to be in Italics.

The battle for New York was raging on. The Aliens were every where. You raced up your apartment building's stairs. You shoved past people going the opposite way they were going. Instead of being a sane person and leave the building and try and get to somewhere safe, you were running head onto the danger. Once you reached the door to the buildings roof top you took a pause. Catching your breath and preparing yourself for what you might see. You shoved open the door and ran through the door. Aliens are zooming through the sky on flying bikes, giant worm whales with armor are seemingly floating in the sky depositing more Aliens in the city. A blast from one of the Alien's  weapons exploded next to you. You un-froze started running to the roofs edge. You were running through what you had to do next. You had to focus if you were going to survive. Your steps crunched on the roof. You reached the ledge, and firmly planted your left foot on the ledge stone. You pushed off with all you had in you. You were met with open air. At first you went up in altitude when you jumped. Then you started falling.

How'm I supposed to die

The air whipped your hear around your face, you focused on the feeling. You calmed your racing heart, and felt welcomed by the familiar feeling of the air encasing you.


When there's only one way to live? 

You let out a happy yell as you plummeted closer to the pavement. You concentrated on the feeling of flying. Your decent slowed to a stop. You floated in mid air. You let out a happy cheer as you soared upward, towards the clouds. You did loopy loops and back flips in the air. Happy to finally use your powers once again.

Once you calmed your self, you paused and surveyed the damage. You saw one of the giant worm whales heading straight towards you. You shrugged your shoulders and flew head on to it. You focused on going faster and a loud boom echoed through the city. It was the sound that's accompanied by breaking the sound barrier. With your arms straight out in front of you knuckles closed into a fist, you headed faster then the speed of sound towards the giant worm whale.

  And the treasure in your eyes 

Unknown to you Tony was on looking at the scene. He saw you head onto the roof, and start running towards the edge. He was far away, and figured that you were a suicide jumper. He commanded Jarvis to make him go faster. He headed towards you as he saw you fall. He saw your calm face, and you then started to slow down mid air. He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. But then You flew upwards with a happy holler in the air.

"Well I'll be damned." Tony said into the micro phone connecting the team.

A chorus of 'whats' echoed back.

"There's an enhanced in the field on our side. Look towards Time Square." He replied back in amusement.

Everyone on the team looked, and saw you. They then witnessed you speed forwards at a crazy speed, they had a hard time tracking you in the chaos. They then witnessed the feet of you breaking the sound barrier. Tony heard the boom, windows shattering through out the city from the force wave.

He then saw where you were headed. He saw the amusement in your eyes and the look of determination on your face. You had your arms out in front of you, hands in fists. he saw your direct path towards the Chitauri Worm Whale. He knew that this wasn't going to end well. Same as the others.

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